"P-Part O-One-EEK!"

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"Stop tweaking, L/n-senpai!" Flinching violently at the sight of your team losing badly, you begin to shake once you've realized that a home run will be the only way out of this situation. You knew that all of those guys in the same year as you are trying to impress the scouts that are currently watching your game, by looking at them...they look awfully depressed that this will be their last hope of going to an actual good high school. "I-I...can't d-do it!" You began to twitch nervously, this is your fault. You can never do nothing right! You've dropped the ball when it was your turn to pitch, fail to bat, and ate shit when running to the next base. What the hell is wrong with you today!? You didn't care about no damn scouts, why are you extra twitchy today??

"We're going to win, L/n!"

"Yeah, don't worry!"

They quiet themselves down once you watched the enemy bat a homerun, form was beautiful and perfect; that scout was definitely going to accept his offer and recommend him to a good school. Your team saw you pale and continue to be more motivated, trying to cheer you up and tell you that it isn't your fault while they place a bottle for you to drink on your right hand. Now looking at the scoreboard, your eyes widened to see such a state. "..." "It's time for our turn, come on M/n." Your best friend, Bsf/n slapped your back, "You're batting first." He pushed you out of the bench as you continued to not say anything and made your way forward.


"We gotta be careful with him...oh wait! No we don't!" The pitcher's comment caused his whole team to laugh, clearly they were mocking you from earlier at how shit you played. Though, your helmet protected your vision as you held your bat with your right hand very tightly, "Oh my...aren't you a little too mean...?" You lifted your head upwards to show the pitcher your creepy warm smile. The male had a giant chill run down his whole body, causing him to stumble with his pitch as you hit the ball with full might; snapping the wooden bat in half.

"HOME RUN!!!!"



Dropping the two pieces, you smiled and pointed your finger upwards letting your teammate know that this will definitely be your win. "Thank you for the win!" Your team laughed as the home run led them to their next point, they all laughed happily and then thanked you for breaking the iceberg. Once they saw you, they all widened their eyes to see you happy and not...well all flinchy and stuff. "L/n?" You smiled sweetly and patted their backs, "We can do it! I broke the tie and we have a few minutes left!" They all gawked at how calm you are, soon they laughed and nodded. "Yes we can!"

It was a matter of flow change, whatever just happened to you caused your team to motivate themselves and actually take the lead with the game. The opponent began to get toxic with the outcome, but they couldn't do much once they realized...they had lost and you have taken the team to a win.


"Let's go!"

Both teams thanked each other, seniors crying from joy and others from sadness that this is their last game. Smiling warmly, you bid your team goodbye and ran towards your parents. "Well, why won't you look at this!" "Have you taken your medicine, darling?" You nodded violently at your parents, as both took part of your equipment and bag for help and made their way to the car.

"Pardon me."

The three of you stopped and turn to look at the unknown lady. She looks like a secretary by the way she chooses her outfit, her pulled up hair and glasses made it put the look together. She held a pack of papers with both arms and stared intensely at your form. "L/n M/n, I have seen enough from this match to know...you have a gift." She stretched out her arm with a paper coming from that pack she held. You grabbed the paper and looked down at it. Seidou High School, an elite school. "I came to recruit great players, but you are outstanding. Join the Seidou Baseball team, where much more potential can lead you to your goal."

You raised a brow, "May I ask...who are you?" The lady grew a smug look, "Takashima Reí. The assistant and head of scout for Seidou's baseball team. If you're thinking about it, come take a look at the team tomorrow, I'm sure that will change your doubts."

"No, that's okay. I'll join." Rei widened her eyes, what type of energy is that?! Why is there a dark figure and a gloomy one right behind you!? 'I found a jackpot!'

Did she really, though?

Rei raised a brow, why the hell are you shaking violently!? Was yesterday all an act? God, she didn't expect you, a sweet kind boy that she met a couple days ago, to be so optimistic. Though, that wasn't the case. You were always the twitchy type, last game was just something else. You knew damn well about your disorder but that's about it; no what causes it, no reason for it, it all just happens automatically without your control. All you know is that you have three sides of you; don't know what kind, but they all are different and don't remember nothing from the other experience. Sounds like hell, but it's better for you to just ignore it for now and let life flow to wherever it takes you...

'What is going on with you now, L/n?'

Today was the first day of meet up, it's the day right after you've arrived with a few other members. Summer had also started a while back, so leaning in towards the new year with a new school was a good idea for someone that didn't know what their plan was besides baseball. Twitching, you were the last person in line, in which the new comers lined up and faced the scary looking coach and the 2nd and 3rd years. Speaking of new comers, all of you had to loudly introduce yourself to the coach and now it finally happens to be your turn. "G-Gah! Ah...L/n M-M/n!" Everyone silently watched you twitch violently. The coach mentally took note that you weren't shaking in fear, in fact it's probably you being overhyped with whatever energy drink you had; which is not true he just thinks that since you're trembling. "I-I play shortstop, center field...a-and I prefer batting a-a lot more than pitching!" The older players widened their eyes, is this some type of threat? An all rounder player? Tryna take their spots?! HAGH?!

They all glared at your form, 'That fucker!'

'Fucking piece of shit!'

'We'll show him!'

The coach stood quiet, he was trying to progress the words you've said and connect them with your form. Indeed, you're tall, look like have some muscles, and judging my the dirty prints on your fingers...'Reí did tell me he is a great pitcher...nonetheless an outstanding batter...' "So you can pitch?" You nodded, "Alright—"

"Hey!! Even though he's late, this guy's trying to sneak into the line!" Everyone's head had now snapped their way to the an unfamiliar boy who froze mid way his run, earning a bunch of 'are you serious' stares from the seniors.


"...kid, you've got guts, coming late on the first day. And worse, trying to not get caught while you sneak in...that kind of rotten personality...GO RUN UNTIL PRACTICE ENDS!" The boy was left in shock, gawking at how cruel and badly he started of on his first day with the new team.

Glancing towards him, your eye started twitching and then you firmed yourself when you took note of him also staring at you.

'Something's telling me that he'll be a difficult one...'

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