"Hello, Part Two here!"

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"L/n M/n."

"H-Huh...?" Right when you swung a practice batting position, your body twisted a 360 and made you fall your ass to the ground, looking up at the person who called out for you, "S-Sorry!" The coach didn't say anything and kept looking down at you. "What are you doing...?" His intense voice roughly scolded you, threatening you to why you aren't following his practice plans for everyone. You being you kept shaking, of course not from fear but because it's just you, and then you forced your way back to your feet, "I-I apologize...!" You twitched, "I-I already finished the training menu...a-a-an-and so I w-wanted to practice m-mah—my batting positions!" Kataoka didn't say anything and continued to look at you, twitching as your right hand held the pat while it shook violently and intensely. "Why do you shake a lot?"

"I-It's my Essential Tremor, S-Sir!" He hmd, but then the manager that followed behind looked at you with fear as he then signaled her to give him the clipboard. The female did as told and there the coach stared at your information. "You take medication?"

"Y-Yes! J-Just for D.I.D, S-Suu-Sir!" Kataoka raised a brow, but before he could even ask further questions about what that meant, he finally saw the information on your paper. 'Dissociative identity disorder...?' He stared back at you with intense eyes. "Tell me more about this...Dissociative identity disorder?" Your head violently twitched, "A-Ah it's basically multiple personality disorder! I tend to switch sides a lot, but I don't know how it happens!"



"Hmm...this is very interesting." "Coach, it's about to be 11." Kataoka looked at Fujiwara, thanking her for the notice. "Let everyone know that it's time for lunch." "Y-Yes!" She ran off, leaving just the two of you. "How did they let you play with so many problems?" "M-Mine isn't t-tha-that bad!" Kataoka wasn't sure to believe you, but Reí told him that his parents have doctors' evidence and such; back then he wasn't sure what she meant, but now he does. "Alright, go eat, and come see me right after you're done."


Finally making it to the lunch area, you tensed up the moment you felt all eyes were on you, not knowing what to do, you decided to follow the line and waited for your tray to be filled with today's lunch; that is until they gave you a shit ton and sent you away. Now that you sat down, you stood quietly by yourself and glared at the giant tower of rice. 'How am I supposed to eat this??'

Right when you held your spoon with your right hand, you watched as the spoon began to shake violently while you held your wrist with your other hand trying to calm it down. While you struggled the whole entire team eyed you, looking at you with either glares or sympathy. Though, your attention wasn't drawn to them it was the managers that whispered behind you, which caught your attention and your eyes landed on what you didn't expect to see right away when you turned around.


"Mind if I sit here?" Your classmate, the one who got caught late, asked while you smiled and shook your head, "I don't mind." Sawamura smiled happily and relieved, now sitting in front of you, now a couple of guys started to group up the table, "Uhh..." Sawamura glared at the rice. "What's wrong?" Miyuki, who sat next to him, eyed him and asked as he noticed that the boy hadn't touched his food. "If you don't eat up now...you won't be able to handle the afternoon practice." "..."


The whole lunchroom flinched to see Sawamura almost want to throw up, "WHOA!! Are you okay, man?"


"STOP IT!!!"

Laughing nervously, even Sawamura basically destroyed everyone's appetite. You managed to eat four more servings of the thing, shocking the seniors at how you didn't end up like Sawamura and the rest of the first years with just the first one. One thing you know, was you ate a lot, especially when you are in your other form...

XX:XXDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora