Twin towers x Vincent

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Vincent x twin towers UWU

Vincent x twin towers
*it was a beautiful slutty night on SepSeptember
11TH Vincent was walking down the street when just then..the twin towers approached him like an awesome dominant alpha male The twin towers looked at him seductively and smirked "hey pretty boy." the twin towers said seductively "**| like your RAINBOW SHREK 200000000$ GAY HOMO
JUMPSUIT.**" Vincent blushed being the gay whore they are and looked up at the twin towers be they're 5'0 and the twin towers is- I don't know uh- you pick!
"Thank you mi amor" *vincent said like an UWU submissive cat boy.* "come with me baby grill" *the twin towers said seductively as they struted away
like an awesome alpha would would. "O-okay.." *vincent said stuttering and he walked with the twin towers like an UWU cat boi. In an alley way the twin towers magically grew arms and pinned Vincent to the brick wall and seductively made out with him he added his non-existence tongue to the kiss and forced Vincent to add his tongue to the kiss so their tongues danced around together. The twin towers broke the kiss and seductively bit Vincent's neck and sucked on it leaving very dark hickeys*

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2023 ⏰

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