Chapter One

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"How much longer until I can go home!?" A small girl yells at her mom.

"We just got in the car, what, seven hours ago? We still have so much longer to go Elizabeth." The mother jokes driving across the United States to see a relative.

Suddenly the entire car starts to shake. Soon after buildings start to fall. A crash can be heard from behind the two and with the quick whip around Elizabeth's mother looses control of the wheel just after seeing what was behind them. They continue to spin out until the crash of another building crushes the front of the car.

The mother is crushed, Elizabeth can hear her wails of pain all the way up until they stop. Elizabeth is speechless and doesn't even know what to do. Natural instincts take over and she starts walking away from the scene, as she walks away the thing she saw behind them starts eating the corpse of her mother. When it goes after Elizabeth the five foot tall plant collapses.

She hadn't realized she was crying. She stops and looks behind her, the plant was bleeding. This twelve year old girl could even tell that this blood was human. What other blood could it be?

Elizabeth goes to see what the plant was exactly but just before she could reach the plant, the entire thing turns to blood. Elizabeth runs as fast as she can the opposite direction running past more and more buildings toppling over. As she continues to run a building falls right in front of her and she can't go anywhere but backwards.

The moment she turns around she stumbles backwards. She continues staring at what's now in front of her. A hoard of those plants at least an entire foot taller than her. She stumbles back again, this time falling to the ground. The first one falls down, the second one a few moments later. The plants start running towards her whilst more collapse. The last one falls at her feet, the first few have already turned to blood.

"What's happening to me?" Screams Elizabeth. "Am I dead? All I wanted was to go home, now I'm in a place worse than hell."

As Elizabeth continues to scream out these questions and phrases, a few curses here and there, she sees someone in the distance. There's a man in the horizon. Instantly running toward him, no regard for if he's safe or not, he collapses, nothing behind him, nobody.

She runs to the body to see if he's ok, after turning him onto his back, she starts hitting on his chest hoping he'll get up. Suddenly, she feels a striking pain in her arm, she looks over and she's bleeding. After looking up she sees it, someone on the mountains. As her eyes close she thinks back to everything she's done with her mom. Mark her height, the most recent mark was 4'2". Dye her hair multiple times, currently it's blonde. Go fishing, Elizabeth always caught the most fish. Go shopping, the day before all of this happened. She was wearing her new pink flannel, pink sweat pants, and a pink baseball cap.

Once her eyes finally closed and she was unconscious, she could hear everything. After five minutes she heard a body fall, ten minutes a few more, twenty minutes and those creatures were screeching near her. After multiple hours, she started to wonder how she was alive, she must have died by now.

Maybe this is what happens after death, all you see is black and you can hear everything. After one day Elizabeth tried moving and couldn't, as she expected. The screams of everyone and the screeches of the beasts is what made her worry most. She was afraid that one day she was going to be eaten by one of them. She stopped hearing the bodies fall near her. After a few more hours she finally thought about how she couldn't feel anything.

The second day she tried opening her eyes and doing anything she could for just a slight bit of movement. After weeks she heard someone talking. Elizabeth tried to scream out but she could only think the words she wanted to say, "Please, save me, I dont want to be stuck here hearing everything, I can't even feel anything!"

Elizabeth thinking thoughts about being saved, then she heard a man yell "We have a live one." She thought they were talking about the beasts, but no, they were talking about her. She could see again, she was being lifted up. Someone was messing with her eyelids, opening them by force. While they were open, she could see.

She tried to learn where she was but still couldn't move. She was stuck looking at the ground while the strange men took her to some sort of vehicle. Soon they started to go up. They were in a helicopter. She was being taken somewhere.

"Thank you, are you taking me to a hospital?" Elizabeth excitedly asked. It was obvious they couldn't hear her, or they were just good at ignoring her. She decided to just watch the ride. They flew off from the land to above water. They flew from above water to sand. They flew from above sand to above more creatures. They flew above them to a large grassy plains.

Then they went to land. Landing they threw Elizabeth down onto the cold wet grass. Someone on the helicopter hit her with some sort of syringe. As the helicopter flew away she finally awoke. She got up and watched the helicopter fly away.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2023 ⏰

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