What Can I Do?

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Reminder ; there will be no Y/N or things Similar. They confuse me. So your character name is Amelia :)

The night was cold as the rain hit against the window as if they were playing a melody. Amelia hummed as she stared at the window. Her parents sat on the couch as they watched the news. Amelia could hear the small gasps from her mother and could hear her dad Huff

"I still can't believe we have such people here. All they do is cause trouble for everyone around them" her father huffed as he took a sip of his drink, her mother hummed as she looked at her husband then at the TV

"Its unbelievable people like them get such gifts and they use it to to this" her mother was in pain as she watched what was on the TV.

Amelia turned her head to see what they were talking about, her eyes watching the TV as she tilted her head. Her parents were talking about the blues and Homra. She stood up from the window seat and sat near her father "father, I thought you were close friends with the Blues King?" She looked at him as she tilted her head, her beautiful grey-ice blue eyes confused as she waited for her father to answer

"I am friends with him, but he and his team still cause damage probably even the same amount as those rough Homra boys. If they are supposed to protect us from harm, then they shouldn't be one of the reasons things get damaged" her father looked at her as he smiled, soon patting her head as he want back to watch the TV

Amelia smiled as she thought about what he said. She knew he was telling the truth, but at the same time, defeating others will cause damage. There's nothing you can do to keep things clean especially when you're fighting. She soon stood up as she headed to the stairs, before stopping in her tracks "Father, mother. Can I ask you something?" Amelia turned as she looked at her parents from the bottom of the stairs

Both of her parents turned their heads from the TV as they looked at their daughter. "What is it dear?" Her mother spoke in her soft voice as she smiled waiting for her daughter to ask her question. Her father tilted his glasses as he looked at her, waiting for her to answer as well

"Well, I was wondering. If I can go out? You know go to a café? Or something. It gets boring here, especially when I'm alone." Amelia looked down and didn't dare look at her parents, because she knew the answer. But she wanted to ask and see. She played with her fingers as she waited for their answers

"Dear, you know the rules. In order to keep you hidden, you must stay inside away from the world" her mother spoke softly as she smiled. Her mother knew she was lonely and was just a teen who wanted to go out and have fun. But she didn't want her daughter to be hurt or worse. Her mother soon looked at her husband as she hummed

"Amelia, you know the rules. You're not allowed to go outside" her father said as he turned his head back to the TV. He didn't care if she was a teen or an adult. He needed to keep her and others safe. He know it hurts her being here alone, but its for her own good.

Amelia sighed as she looked at her father "but when can I leave? I'm 19 father. I want to go outside, I want to do stupid things and have fun. I want to met kids my age. I've been stuck in this house for so long. I sometimes forget what the outside world looks like. Please father. Let me just go out once. Please"

Her father sighed as he fixed his glasses "Amelia, I said no and that's final! Now go to your room. No more asking about this ever again!" her father spoke in his serious voice as he turned his back on her.

She looked at her mother as her mother mouthed sorry, then soon looking away. Amelia huffed in frustration as she walked upstairs to her room, closing the door as she sat down on her bed, soon falling back as she looked up at her ceiling "I'm never gonna leave this house am I?" She hummed as she reached for the glow in the dark star stickers in her ceiling as she smiled "maybe one day I can leave and just have a little fun. Even if it's just for a little bit" she soon felt her eyes close as she slowly drifted off to sleep.

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