chapter 2 ♡

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Thoma spent the rest of his day cleaning like always, though this time he was kinda lonely, without the twins he felt alone and empty, especially with..ayato, despite him liking ayato he just really enjoyed ayato's company.

after a few moments thoma finished cleaning, "agh..there's nothing else to do.." thoma spoke being extremely bored, he decided to check the time because he realized the twins has been gone for awhile,

"9:51? they've never been gone for this long.." thoma started to worry a little, and decided to wait for the twins to make dinner. but that resulted to him falling asleep on their sofa.

ayato finally got home after itto forced him to hang out with him longer because somehow itto got drunk and shinobu had to carry him home.

ayato opened the door and immediately went to find thoma, but to his surprise he found thoma peacefully sleeping in their sofa,

"hm, poor thoma probably fell asleep waiting for us, how cute.." ayato didn't wanna wake thoma so he went to his room to grab his blanket, once he came back with the blanket he carefully placed it ontop of thoma, before leaving, he placed a quick peck on thoma's forehead,

"sleep well thoma.."

ayato got up and went to his sister's room to check if she's home, "not home yet? but it's already so late." he decided to brush it off and head to the kitchen he was still kinda hungry after going to the restaurant because he didn't really eat much he spent most his time watching over itto,

when he got to the kitchen he noticed thoma didn't make dinner so he was kinda upset but nonetheless he called a servant to cook dinner for him. "here you go young master, enjoy" one of the servants spoke handing him the dish.

"thank you very much." he spoke gently, the two servants headed out to let ayato eat peacefully, "thank you for the food," ayato said before grabbing the chopsticks and grabbing a piece of sushi, "mmh, it's not bad, still prefer thoma's but this will have to do"

ayato continued eating his dinner, once he finished eating he cleaned up the table to give the servants a break from cleaning for once, ayato may have alot of servants and maids but he still knows how to do housework well, except for cooking, don't ever let ayato cook for anyone.

he finished washing his dishes and went out to check up on thoma, when he heard the door open, it was ayaka, "well looks who's finally home?" ayato said crossing his arms, ayaka yelped a little from hearing her brother's voice.

"ahaha.. sorry brother i got carried away with making fireworks with yoimiya." ayaka explained.

"i suppose i'll let it slide this time, after all you were having fun and that makes me glad." ayato said smiling softly, ayaka started tearing up a little from hearing those words. "uwahh! you're the best brother ever!"

ayaka said while she went up and hugged ayato, "that means alot to me ayaka." ayato said hugging the shorter girl back, "oh, by the way have you noticed anything wrong about thoma?"

ayaka asked while pulling away, "well he's been awfully quiet since this morning." ayato spoke, "poor thoma something must be bothering him, it'll be very gloomy without his lively personality, i hope he gets better.." ayaka said pouting,

"i'm sure he will.." ayato responded while patting his little sister, "speaking of which where is thoma?" ayaka asked, "oh, i found him sleeping on the sofa, i assume he fell asleep while waiting for us." ayato said, "awh, he's such a sweet person," ayaka said smiling, "he really is.." ayato spoke,

a few hours later ayaka has already fallen asleep and it was already 12:49am ayato decided to sit next to thoma while reading a book but he eventually fell asleep aswell,

thoma slightly opened his eyes but he felt something different, 'warm..' was all thoma could think at the moment, he opened his eyes and realized why it felt different he had a blanket,

but, this blanket it was different, it's not his, and it smelled really nice, then it hit him, 't-this is waka's..!' thoma instantly woke up realizing that the warmth he felt was from ayato's blanket,

'h-how did this get here..?' thoma's cheeks was covered in a light red blush, and thoma almost went back to sleep when he realized, 'no! I have return this to waka..!' but when thoma tried to move someone moved him back on the sofa,

thoma turned around to see who it was, of course..ayato.. now, thoma's face turned deep red, thoma still tried to get out of ayato's grip, 'ah..he's still so strong even when sleeping,' thoma thought while still moving around to try and escape,

"mmh..thoma..go back to sleep.." ayato mumbled with a raspy voice tightening his grip, 'ah..i should stop, waka's probably tired..' thoma turned around to face ayato,

if he wasn't blushing then, he sure is now his face is so red he looks like a tomato, 'waka's so pretty..and he's so close..' thoma thought while reaching out to caress the other's cheek.

"i wish we could stay like this forever.." thoma whispered to himself, ayato leaned to the touch and that made thoma's heart melt,

"goodnight m'lord.."

thoma said quietly as he buried his face to ayato's chest, and went back to sleep.


"mmh.." ayaka mumbled while she struggled to stand up, she checked the time and it was 2:25am, "im thirsty.." ayaka spoke while walking out the door and head to the kitchen.

ayaka grabbed a glass and poured water to the glass, she was drinking while she caught a glimpse of the blonde's hair, 'is thoma still on the sofa?'

ayaka went up to see if thoma is asleep, but she almost spat out her water when she saw ayato and his arms around thoma, 'oh my's finally happening!!'

ayaka blushed a little before heading up back to her room, "i can die happy now.." ayaka said while plopping herself on her bed, 'im definitely telling that to yoimiya..' and with that she drifted off to sleep..

umm so i totally forgot about this story for a few months that's why i haven't been uploading :> but take this as an apology ♡

(also ayaka = thomato's number one shipper??)

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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