See you again.

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It's been a long summer sense Sammie and Rocco have seen each other.They were so excited to see their baka boos.When they got to school they were very nervous to see each other.
When they saw each other there eyes lit up.Sammie used to deny that he was gay but he knows he is in love with Rocco.Rocco has always been gay,and that's obvious.They both turned red while seeing each other and was still nervous.
Sammie went to Rocco and said "Hi" and it was very awkward between the two.Even tho they were madly in love,they could never show it. Rocco said hi back and walked away in embarrassment, he was barley looking where he was looking because of how embarrassingly awkward that interaction was.
He was holding the books he had for the next class close to his chest, he ended up tripping because he was so unfocused and so distracted from what happened.
He tripped on his feet because
Rocco like Sammie so much, he didn't know how to act around them. He always got so blush and red around them! He ended up being a dick in every interaction they had with each other. When he tripped Sammie rushed to help him up, extending and offering his hand
"Oh gosh! Rocco are you okay?"
He looked at Rocco in concern and worry, though he never showed him they cared so this was a little unusual for Rocco.
"I'm fine!"
Rocco slaps their hand away and storms off, his face is bright red. They get to their classes
and since it's the first day they went over the seating chart and syllabus.
And Rocco got sat by... yup you guessed it! Sammie .Rocco and Sammie took a seat.Sammie said "Hey at least we are sitting by each other". Rocco was nervous to say something flirty so he decided to do what he always does;be a dick. "Why would i want to sit by ur weird a$s" said Rocco.
Even though Sammie knew Rocco wasn't being for real , he had a tight feeling in his stomach.For the rest of the class Rocco and Sammie didn't talk to each other.
After class Sammie got up and started walking away until Rocco grabbed Sammie's arm.
"What's wrong ?" said Rocco.
"Well if you want me to be honest," said Sammie turning around."I didn't love the way you spoke to me."Sammie finished.
"Oh you know i was joking" Said Rocco rolling his eyes. Even though the apology wasn't the best,Sammie was happy with it.
Sammie groped onto Rocco's arm and ran down the halls.
"What are you doing!" said Rocco struggling because of Sammie pulling him.
Sammie didn't respond and just kept running until they got to the bathroom.
"Why are we in here"said Rocco.
"Because 4th period is boring"said Sammie.
As they walked into the biggest stall and sat their things by the toilet,they heard keys coming their way.
Rocco started to panic.
"What's going to happen?!Are we going to get caught?"said Rocco nervously.
Sammie grabbed his stuff and got on top of the toilet.
"Pretend like ur using the bathroom"said Sammie.
Rocco sat down on the toilet and waited until their was no sound of keys.After a minute Sammie got down and sat on his book bag.
"It's so boring," said Rocco.
"No duh we are in a bathroom"Joked Sammie.
Sammie digs in his backpack,and pulls out his phone.He dials a random number and puts his phone on speaker.
"Hello?" A girl answers.
Rocco and Sammie are giggling until Sammie says "Is your refrigerator running".
"Yea why?" Says the girl.
"Well-"says Sammie without finishing.
"Well you better go catch it!"Rocco interrupts.They call a bunch of random numbers until the bell finally rings.Rocco and Sammie go to lunch while talking about the fun time they had skipping.

Rocco x Sammie smut-gay storyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora