Chapter 11. Who Are You?

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Snow and Marcus have been fighting for their lives for a long time, and both are already covered in blood.

Yasu came out of the house.

Yasu: *gasp* There are so many soldiers! And someone who looks like Snow, but they're fighting!

(He runs back inside and grabs a knife)

(He aims for Marcus's head and throws it)

Yasu: Come on, come on, come on!

(It hits Marcus's shoulder)

Marcus: Ahh!

Yasu: Now, Snow!

(He takes his sword and cuts through marcus neck)

(Snow's whole body shakes and he falls to his knees)

Snow: Finally...

Waiwit's voice in Snow's head: You did great, Snow.

Snow: Wait, Grandpa?! Where are you?!

Waiwit's voice in Snow's head: Not here for a long time now. But you finally got your revenge.

(Snow gets tears in his eyes)

Snow: Please don't go yet!

(Waiwit didn't answer)

Snow: Man...

Ace: Snow, hurry, go to the others!

Snow: Uh, yes, Dad!

(He rushes to the portal)

Snow: Come on, Snow, you can do it. You weren't in there for 22 years, but you can do it.

(He gets inside and gets attacked immediately)

Snow: You again!

Yunichi: Hah, hi, Snow.

Snow: How do you know my name? We've never met! Tell me, where do you know my name from?

(He pulls out the gun and points it at him)

Yunichi: Woah, woah, not so fast!

Snow: Tell me. From where. You know me.

Yunichi: Fine, kiddo.

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