4 - Violence

284 9 0

"..." : Speech
'...' : Thoughts
(...) : Translation
<[***]> :Scene Change


Year: 2071
Date: 31st August
Hour: 14:12
Location: Badlands

Y/n sat on the passenger seat with his feet up against the windshield. He was reading through the magazine on his Seocho tablet. Axel was next to him, leaning out through the window and using the zoom feature of his cyberoptics.

The pair had reached the location 15 minutes ago and were waiting for their grand moment. Y/n mindlessly turned his gaze to his brother who was scouting without taking a break.

"Kid get back in the car we have over half an hour before we see shit."

"What if they show up early? They could and we would have to adapt."

"They could, but they work on a schedule. This early would mean something is wrong. And before we adapt Y would have to hack their alarm system without an hour of prep time. Don't matter how good she is, it's nearly impossible."

"Wait so if that happens, we are just going to stand still and watch?"

"Either that or fight the entirety of Arasaka."

Axel grumbled and sat back down. He peeked over his shoulder at the Arasaka HLR-12X Heavy Laser Rifle.

"You prepped it?"

Y/n looked at his brother again and sighed.

"Fine guess that can't hurt."

They both exited the car. Y/n stretched out and basked under the sun, it was crazy hot. He took of his jacket and threw it back into the car before walking around the car to Axel. He had taken out the container where the Laser Rifle was stored and was checking it out. It was separated into smaller pieces to better account for the size. Y/n looked down at Axel who was now checking if he had started with the correct piece.

"Know what you are doing?"

"Yeah, it's simple enough. Worst case I use the manual Mr Chase gave us."

Y/n smiled and put his glasses on. He checked out the Badlands. A whole lot of nothingness spanning for as far as the eye could see on one direction and into the sea in the other. It was peaceful in a way.

He then climbed onto the roof of the car, a Colby CX410 Butte he had bought for the singular purpose of this mission. Like a burner phone once the car was identified he would throw it away. So, it's only purpose was to drive them in and out today.

Y/n laid down on the roof and waited. Everything was going so slow right now, it was nerve racking. He checked the time: 14:25. He groaned and turned to his side to watch Axel. He had the main Rifle part already set up and was now getting the battery attachment placed.

"It's the other way around."

"I know what I'm doing."

"I know... Should have brought my axe..."

"That way we could make a quiet approach."

"A laser rifle isn't exactly quiet."

"Ha, fair enough."

It was then that Y/n received a call. Magnus was calling surely to check up on them. Y/n sat back up and picked up.

"How are the Flatliner boys feeling? Pressure too much to handle?"

Y/n yawned dramatically as a response. Chase chuckled at it before Y/n finally spoke.

"We are getting ready. Axel is almost done setting up..."

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