Chapter 4: Naval Greetings

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Jackson and I have eventually arrived at the fjords to meet the commodore of the navy, since he helps with trade at our borders. I have to approve of the trades before it can be done, however. As we go aboard the Astrid, which was named after the new commodore's daughter, the commodore has been waiting. "Welcome to Arendelle, Commodore Distad." I say to greet him as he bows. "Thank you, your majesty. I look forward to our first trade together." He responds.

As Commodore Distad gives Jackson and I a tour of the Astrid, I notice a mysterious and ominous shadow which seems to bother Jackson and increase his protective stance towards me. Could it possibly be from the King of Nightmares? And if that's the case, is he planning to attack Arendelle? These thoughts fill my mind until I hear something, resulting me to prepare my powers. "Who's there?" I ask but no answer comes.

I start to worry about it when I feel a cold and bare hand touch mine, prompting me to look at it and then realize it's Jackson's. He recently took off his glove to calm me with his touch. It seemed to work until the shadow left as mysteriously as it came. That's when he put the glove back on. After Jackson and I have returned to Arendelle Castle, I then go to the library to read on the King of Nightmares. Something had to be part of his planning, after all but as to what still remains a mystery.

Upon not finding anything, I go to the throne room with Jackson. We might as well get to know each other more since we officially met not too long ago. "So, Jackson, do you have a preference to what I can call you?" I ask, hoping I'm not too impolite. To my delight, he smiled. "If you wish, you can call me Jack, your majesty. I don't mind." I smiled back at him and then it clicked. Jack's hand was cold because he's Jack Frost! He has the same gift as me! This is amazing news.

"So, what's your family like?" He asked, resulting me to tense up a bit. I shook it off and decided to answer him though. "My sister, Princess Anna, is the only blood family I have left but my few quantitatively friends are family in a sense to me. There's Anna's boyfriend Kristoff, his reindeer named Sven and a snowman I made named Olaf." Unfortunately, our getting to know each other was short lived. I heard my door knock and I opened it slightly to observe the area. Interestingly enough, no one was there... or so I thought.

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