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"How long has Billy been away for?" Stu asks, and I shrug, glancing up at the clock

"Before you came? I'm not sure." I answer, and stu just laughs.

"You're observant." He coos, and I scoff.

"And you act like a child." I argue, and he gasps, dramatically striking a hand over his heart as he falls backwards onto my bed, letting out large fake sobs.

"Point proven." I tell stu, and he sits up and grabs my waist, tickling me, which causes me to shriek.

And that's when suddenly the phone in the living room begins to ring, which confuses me so I stand up in alarm and run downstairs and answer it.

"Hello? Loomis residence?" I call down into the phone, and someome clears their throat.

"Mr loomis?" The gruff voice asks, and as stu walks into view, he mouths who it is, and I shrug.

"My dads not home at the moment he's working late tonight. This is his daughter y/n." I tell the caller, and they laugh.

"we have your brother in custody at the moment, He's the main suspect of an attempted murder." The man on the other end of the call says, and my jaw drops.

"What." I exclaim, dropping the phone.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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