Part 1

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   Freddy Pov:

I rubbed my eyes as I set up hesitantly looking around for Gregory my now officially adopted son.

"Gregory where are you?"

"Im over here you nerd!" He yelled as I turned my head to see him sticking his tongue out at me as he got back to sorting all the merchandise he'd been collecting.

"I don't think all of that will fit over there superstar."

"Oh hush I'll make it work."

"Well I'm gonna get something for breakfast anything in particular you'd like?"

"Whatever Chica has cooking in there."

"Alright..." I sighed as I left the room passing by Monty on the way who was playing chess with a map bot (and losing). I made to the kitchen rather quickly but I didn't see Chica anywhere. After a moment of standing there I just grabbed some leftover pizza and headed back.

 I walked in and saw Gregory hiding something behind his back.

"Oh hi Freddy." He said awkwardly as he shifted over to the side.

"Are you alright Gregory?"

"Yeah im just REALLY busy so..."

"Well I brought some pizza from last night Chica isn't cooking today I guess." I said handing him the several slices. I peeked behind Gregory while he was distracted and saw...

"Sewing supplies?" I thought wondering what he would need that for. Maybe the clothes weren't fitting him right I knew I should've checked the size of his old clothes before we threw them out. I'm not very good a this whole being a dad thing.

"Knock knock, open up guys." It was Chica. I saw Gregory rush to the door the open it as she handed him something then he went back to his stuff.

"What did you give him?" I questioned trying not to sound rude.

"Oh just some Candy." She said smiling back at me. "Well I'll be on my way Monty challenged Roxy to a race it should be fun to watch." She then skipped down the large hallway and down to Roxy raceway.

Several hours later...(I'm lazy I know)

"Hey, hey Freddy wake up."

I got up and saw Gregory shaking me holding a small purple box.

"I'm so sorry superstar I must've passed out." I admitted awkwardly.

"Oh you Apologize to much," he said frowning. "I made somethIng for you." He announced proudly a handing me the small purple box.

"Oh, well thank you Gregory."

"Silly you haven't even opened it yet."

I looked down staring at the box, its purple reminded me of something dear to me.

"Open it!" He insisted shoving it at me.

I slowly open the box and saw a small purple bunny plush decorated in a typical Glamrock fashion.

"I found it in Bonnie bowl, I made a few adjustments with chicas help."

I stared in Aw for a moment before pulling Gregory into a hug.

"Thank you superstar, this means a great deal to me." I said as he hugged me back.

"You're welcome Freddy."

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