Black Out

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                       South Korea 05:23 
                12th Apartment Building

     "Ah! Get away" I yelled while trying to kick my weak legs.
"Dude chill out! It's me JJ!"
"JJ? What are you doing here?! How did you get in?" I say in a surprised tone.
"Dominick you literally don't have a front door, how do you think I got in."
"I don't have a...door?" I said in a confused and concerned sense.
"Dominick get up, look out the window." JJ told me. I stepped up still a-bit hazy but walked over to the shattered window on the second floor of the smoke smelling building. I walked over and looked up to see that two of the 15 buildings were completely destroyed with people running around mad all around them.

      "Oh my god, what happened" I managed to say in absolute shock.
"World war three started last night, Russia attacked Poland last night. China also joined in  and attacked Taiwan. The guards got scared and dumped all kinds of these chemicals around before leaving. I got hit by one of them to but it doesn't seem to be doing anything." JJ says while I step back to stay away from the window we're gunfire echoes into.

         'Scrfffff' The floor makes a sound as my foot pushes a book on the concrete. I turn around to see a book with a brown leather cover laying on the ground. I bend down to pick it up.
"Dominick, what's that? Dominick? JJ walks closer after saying that and looks at the book that's in my hands.
"The people who broke into my apartment last night dropped this, I can remember." It's... Cold.
"Open it up maybe there's something good inside, maybe money." JJ was my best friend. He was put in jail for robbing a gas station to pay for food. He got put here and a few weeks later a moved into the apartment next to him.

       I crack it open to see all kinds of writing smooshed onto the white pages. JJ gets closer to me and touches the book. 'Thump!' He falls onto the ground almost immediately.
"JJ! JJ wake up!" I shake him then quicker than ever. Within a flash I black out with one word echoing in my head. Psychic.



       My mind snaps back into reality, JJ following right after. Something's different though. Very different.

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