Adventure In Action: Character

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Name: Maxwell Lloyd

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Ancestry: Scottish Descent and Caribbean Descent

Physical looks: Long, smooth red hair, amber eyes, a couple of freckles under his eyes, Elven ears with silver cross earrings. Is usually seen wearing a white collared shirt with a red tie, black suit pants and a tan trenchcoat while at work. When he is not working he can be seen wearing hoodies and jeans or gothic black outfits.

Attributes: He can be found usually at a coffee shop when not working or at a gym. He smokes, usually burying himself in work. Loves flowers, mostly lavenders which is what his office smells like other than cigarettes.

Where they live: Maxwell lives in Australia but grew up in America until he was 19

Education: Harvard and Private school

Career: Detective

Personality: He is impulsive, has a little bit of fearlessness, disinterested in new ideas, risk-taker, cheerful when you get to know him, strategic and  a natural leader

Quirks: Drinks a lot of coffee, will not back down, usually wins fights, has an exotic pet, and he's good with animals

Skills: Use a gun well, marksmanship, public speaking, and playing the electric guitar

Interests: Electric guitars, his work, and animals

Likes: Instruments, animals, and skateboarding

Dislikes: Most people, and Gangs

Strengths: Using a gun, Friends/Family and Loyalty

Weaknesses: People he is close with, Stubborn, and Impulsive

Fears: Astraphobia

Aversions: Most people, Storms (Thunderstorms), being late, and 

Superpowers/Special Abilities: Necromancy (Dark magic, from his Caribbean Descent) and Healing (Light magic, from his Scottish descent) - never uses either of them

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