NSFW; Eve and Crucia

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Evelyn wandered through the halls of the Dreaming City, looking out the vast windows with a gentle smile, her violet eyes shining brightly in contrast to the blues and whites behind her. Her smile faded when she saw a Taken Blight begin to form just outside with a warbling screech; the curse was progressing again. She let out a sigh and continued down the hall, reaching a room with a pair of Techeun statues flanking the door. She would glance to a note in her hand; summons from Crucia, one of the premier sculptors of the Dreaming City. She knocked on the door, stuffing the note into a back pocket.

The door would open to a young-looking Awoken with mint-green hair and bold eyes glowing like orange-hot coals, a soft face with cheeks begging to be caressed. Eve smiled gently upon seeing her, which the Awoken returned.

Eve; "Oh! Hi, there! Are you Crucia?"

The Awoken gave a curt bow, a smile creasing her lips slightly.

Crucia; "I am Lady Crucia, yes. Thank you for answering my summons, Chief."

Evelyn extended her hand for a handshake, dimming her eyes a bit.

Eve; "Of course, hun. Please, call me Eve; I'm off duty now."

Crucia hesitated a moment before shaking Eves' hand, gesturing for her to come inside. Evelyn would enter the room, looking around with her mouth agape at all the statues that had been carved inside, each bearing a different face, all of them flanked by numerous melee and martial arts weapons; some Eve had only ever seen in writing, others unrecognizable. In the center sits a large hunk of crystal, untouched by a chisel or hammer. Beside it sat a pedestal for a subject to stand on, along with a small table and a flowing fountain of Absinthe bedight in silver, a bottle of water, a pair of glasses in front of it with an ornate plate of sugar cubes and an accompanying Absinthe spoon, flanked by a chisel and hammer. Evelyn took note of the alcohol nearby and allowed herself a quiet chuckle.

Eve; "Either you're stealing from me, or you got good taste in liquor."

Crucia let out an audible "hmph" as she picked up her chisel and hammer from the table.

Crucia; "It's my favorite, Chief. But that's not why I asked you here. I wanted to practice an area of sculpting I've heretofore never tempted; I want to carve an Exo."

Evelyns' eyes brightened, in lieu of widening, upon looking at some of the statues, and realizing the majority were naked.

Eve; "... W-well, I'm flattered, my lady... But, do I need to strip for this? Can I not keep my robes on?"

Crucia shook her head with an amused smile, eyes drifting up and down Eves' chassis.

Crucia; "I'm afraid not. If I'm going to accurately represent your form, I'm going to need to see it all."

Evelyn couldn't tell if her last sentence had an undertone of lust or not, and it scared her slightly. She turned to face Crucia again, nodding gently.

Eve; "I... I can do that, yeah."

Crucia; "Wonderful, dear. Please, just stand on the pedestal and we'll begin."

Eve nodded gently, beginning to undress with hesitation; taking off her bond and jacket, then pulling off her sweater and pulling down her pants. It was at this point Crucia began to watch Evelyn remove her clothing, attempting to hide her interest by concealing herself behind it. Once Eve was down to her tube bra and boxers, she got onto the pedestal and stood with her arms at her side, her fists clenched, mimicking a strong pose... But, really, they were clenched because it was cold in the room without her robes. Crucia came around the crystal, a smirk growing on her face, letting out a chuckle before speaking, hooding her eyes.

Crucia; "Eve, darling... I'm gonna need your undergarments off as well."

Eve smiled sheepishly and began removing her tube top, letting out a defeated sigh.

Eve; "Heh... I guess you're not the first person to see me naked... Maybe the first to do so outside the bedroom, anyways."

Once she had her boxers off, fully in the nude, Crucia giggled to herself as she gazed upon her form, resisting the urge to feel her up.

Crucia; "My stars... Not even Venus can compare."

Eves' face became flushed, her metal cheeks heating up red hot. She reassumed her pose, letting out a huff.

Eve; "Thank you, hun... You can feel it, but... Hands off the merchandise, please."

Crucia chuckled quietly and set down her tools, running a hand across Evelyns' midriff, and she turned her head up with heavy breathing, fluttering her eyes.

Crucia; "You're not flesh and blood... But you're just as sensitive... I like that."

She spoke with a touch of sensuality, moving a hand up her abdomen to her breasts, gliding her fingers across her collarbone to eventually gently hold her neck. Evelyn squirmed the whole time, stifling any pleasured noises as Crucia moved her hands across her chassis.

Eve; "... Lady Crucia-"

Eve attempted to speak, but was interrupted by Crucia putting a finger up to her "lips" from her free hand, her voice sultry and smooth in Eves' ears.

Crucia; "Shh... It's ok, my little Venus... You want this, don't you?"

Evelyn hesitated a moment before nodding, breathing heavily as she gazed down at the finger over her lips. Crucia would gently guide Evelyn off the pedestal onto the ground, her free hand grazing against her thighs. Eve finally let out a quiet moan, letting Crucia lead her to an adjacent room with an opulent bed and frame. She was laid out on the bed, Crucia laying her clothed self on top of the Exo, kissing her gently and passionately. Eve closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around Crucia, moaning quietly through the kiss as Crucia used her other hand to tease Evelyns' synthetic folds. Crucia seemed to know all the right spots to touch and tease, making Evelyn squirm in submission under her, groaning in pleasure and grabbing fistfuls of the luxurious sheets underneath her.

Eve struggled to think through the euphoria she was being put through, trying to get a word out, but Crucia set her thumb in her mouth, her index finger applying pressure so she couldn't make much more than pleasured moans as Crucia continued to finger her. The teasing and playing by the smaller Awoken seemed to go on for hours, Eve couldn't tell, continually bringing her to the brink of orgasm, then slowing down as she got close.

Just as Eve was brought to the edge a third time, Crucia stopped and let her hands hang at her sides a moment, giving her muscles a chance to rest, as well as Evelyn. Eve barely had the strength to lift her head to look at Crucia, eyes half open from the haze of pleasure clouding her mind. The silhouette of Crucia against the light coming through the blinds made her amber eyes appear that much brighter. Eve would brighten her eyes, dimly illuminating Crucias' face to reveal she was letting her tongue hang out of her mouth. She moved down to Evelyns' crotch, teasing her folds before entering inside Eve.

Her tongue explored every inch of Evelyn, just as her fingers did, just as nimble and efficient in coaxing pleasured groans and whines out of Evelyn, slowly teasing her, thoroughly reaching every corner of Eves' womanhood. Evelyn finally cried out, her limbs weakly writhing.

Eve; "C-Crucia... Please!~"

After what felt like an eternity of begging, whining and squirming, Crucia finally quickened her pace, both tips of her tongue going against Eves' G-spot and making her climax, the Exo practically screaming. Once through, Eve collapsed on the bed, breathing heavily and closing her eyes, passing out from exhaustion. Crucia remained for a moment, pulling her tongue from Eves' slit, watching her lay still for a moment, before standing slowly and coming out of the bedroom, making a beeline for Eves' clothes.

She neatly folded them up, resting the bond on top of the articles before taking them back to the bedroom and resting them on the opposite side of the bed Evelyn was on... But not before rummaging through her jacket pockets. The intense smell of maple caught her off guard as she drew a bottle of cologne from the jacket, letting out a petite cough. She pulled back the label to see a handwritten note, requesting that the bottle be returned to Evelyn, should it be lost. She made a mental note of the address with a smirk, setting the bottle inside the clasp of the bond before walking out of the bedroom, leaving Evelyn alone and naked in the bedroom as she prepared to carve another statue.

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