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Emmalyn went straight to the Rez. Billy saw her car and smiled as his aunt was here. "Aunt Emma. How's Emmett?"

"He's fine. I told him Alice saw us conceiving." She tells him. "If so, be prepared because Bella Swan is curious about Edward and that may be an issue." The pack walked over to the hybrid elder as she continued to speak. "Be on watch. If Bella comes here and starts asking questions about my other family, let me know because I will have a talk to her."

"Emma, are you sure?" Sam asked. 

"Sam, my family has been keeping away from the humans, but they do try to blend in. We don't interact, but today, Bella knew something was different. I was the only one that ate and Edward smelt her scent. She's his blood singer." 


"Yes and I know she's going to be asking questions. Just giving you all a heads up and please, let me know before she digs even further."

"We will." Billy says as her phone started ringing. "I think it's time for us to allow Emmett over here. He has proven to not harm a human and hasn't turned anyone."

They nodded causing Emmalyn to smile. "Will you tell us how you were turned, Emmalyn?" One pack membered asked. 

When she got home, Emmett smiled as he walked out. "Had a good day with the pack?"

"They wanted to know my story." She tells him as she put her arms around his neck. "I also told them about Bella and they will inform me if something happens. Also, I want to try for a baby." 


"Well, they agreed to let you and only you on the Rez, but first, I want to try something and see if what Alice saw was right." Emma says. "I love you, baby."

Emmett smiled as he kissed her. "We're alone."

Emma jumped in his arms causing Emmett to carry her in and kiss her. They laughed as she hoped out of his arms and ran to their room where their evening was going to happen. Emmet pushed her up against the wall causing her to bite his neck. "Emma, you know what that does."

"I know."  She says talking her clothes off. "The question is, what are you going to do about it."

Emmett smirked as she took the last bit of her clothes off causing him to put her against the wall again. She moaned as his hand started playing. "You know not to tease me, baby. That little strip tease always gets you in trouble." He says moving his arm faster causing her to moan out. "Now, tell me what you want, Emma."

"You. God, I want you." She says ripping his shirt off revealing his chest. She moaned louder as she pulled his pants down. "I want you inside. Now!"

"As you wish."

They both moaned as Emmett entered. He will admit one thing. He was glad nothing never changed between him and Emmalyn. He was going to make this last longer than usual. He was going to see if Emma, the woman underneath him could actually get pregnant by him. 

Moving away from the wall, Emmett carried a bouncing Emmalyn to their room to finish in there.

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