Bad day:( -chris

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Chris comes home crying after a really bad day, Matt and Nick comfort him and he eventually tells them what happened! Thank you hrts4sturniolos  for the request!!

Matt and Nick were watching a movie in the living room waiting for Chris to come home from his first ever job! It wasn't a big job or anything special obviously because Chris wasn't ready to commit to something like that yet but it was a gas station job!

Matt was resting his head against nicks shoulder when suddenly they hear bagging on the door and sobs coming from outside

"Guys please let me in! I-I forgot my keys!" Chris cried trying to stay dry as rain fell

"Oh god Chris I'm coming kid!" Matt said standing up and practically running to the door opening it

Chris was standing there sobbing with wet clothes and no jacket

As soon as Chris sees Matt he jumps into his arms sobbing and shaking, he buries his head in Matt's neck taking in harsh breaths

"Oh poor baby, it's okay honey I'm here now, sh sh calm down sweetie" Matt said as he held him back and closed the door with his foot smoothly

Chris sobbed again and held Matt tighter "today was the worst!" He sobbed into Matt's neck

Nick who was across the room got up coming to see what was going on  "oh Chris sugar, what's wrong baby?" He said as he rubbed Chris's back gently

"I think he had a really bad day..poor kid, can you run him a bath and get him new clothes so he can get out of these wet clothes please?" Matt asked as he kissed Chris's head and held him closer

"Of course kid, take his shirt off while I go run it, don't want him getting sick now" Nick said as he kissed both their heads and went back upstairs

Matt smiled and picked Chris up going over to the couch, he sat down with Chris in his lap rocking him back and forth

"Chrissy let me take off your shirt baby, can you sit up for a second honey?" Matt asked gently

Chris sniffled and nodded sitting up lifting his arms up

Matt quickly took his shirt off and brought Chris back to his chest rocking him again

"Wanna tell me what happened now or later?" Matt asked as he traced circles in Chris's back

"L-Later Matty" Chris said as tears still fell and he was still having a hard time breathing

Matt took notice of that and hugged Chris closer "oh baby, listen to my heart please, and take deep breaths for me, okay love?"

Chris nodded and lined up his head with Matt's heart as he began counting the beats in his head while taking slow deep breaths

Matt smiled and kissed his head "good boy just like that" he whispered

Chris eventually calmed down and sat up a little wiping his tears

"Thanks Matty, I don't really want a bath right now..." he whispered playing with his fingers

"You need one baby, you got all wet from the rain and we gotta keep you nice and healthy, so you're getting one, alright?" Matt asked holding Chris's face so he would look at him

Okay fine Matty, hold meee" Chris whined  leaning back on Matt

Matt chuckled and held him closer rubbing his back gently

Nick eventually came back down "the baths done, want me to take him there?" Nick asked seeing how tired Matt looked

"Yes please, Chrissy I'll cuddle with you after and we can sleep together but nicks gonna take you for now okay?" Matt asked looking at Chris

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