Hello Kitty in Wonderland

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  Hello Kitty used a stick and stuck it into the flowing water she resided near, she watched the water flow around it. She puffed air into her cheeks in boredom, no longer entertained, she dropped the stick into the water and rose to her feet. Something moving in the horizon caught her eye, she squinted realizing it was a bunny with a pink satchel and bandana around its neck! Not only that it walked with its hind legs. How peculiar!

She tried to go after it, almost losing the rabbit at points but never actually losing it. The rabbit leads her down the hole and she falls. Her hands rise to her face and she shrieks in fear as she falls and falls, objects surround her and black and white spirals color the walls. There were cupboards and cabinets on the walls as well, and on one of the shelves there was a jar of orange jam. On the continents of the jar read “ORANGE MARMALADE” But when she opened it, it was empty! Not even a trace of the jam was left inside of it. She pouted and dropped the jar in great disappointment, putting past the fact she was falling for what seemed like forever at this point.

She began to think about how her older sister, Mimmy White, must miss her. What if she had fallen straight through the earth with how many miles it felt like she'd fallen?! Although, while the thoughts had occurred to her, she arrived closer to the bottom, finally, there was a loud ‘THUD!’ from Hello Kitty landing on a heap of sticks and leaves. She wasn’t hurt, but she was startled from the abrupt landing. She jumped to her feet. She squinted in the dark, trying to find the rabbit from before.

She couldn’t make out much other than a bottle and a small door. Small enough for a mouse to fit through but certainly not Hello Kitty! She went for the bottle instead, around the bottle, there was a note attached. The note simply read “Drink Me” and without a second thought, Hello Kitty drank it. She found herself shrinking. She flailed around, her body felt uncomfortable but otherwise she didn’t really mind the odd occurrence.

Once she was small enough, she found she could fit perfectly through the door, which led to a stunning garden. She let her eyes adjust to the light before she wandered around, brushing her paws on the leaves and petals of flowers. The flowers were abnormally large. Around the surrounding area, there were human sized mushrooms that intrigued Hello Kitty greatly. As she wandered into the mushroom ridden part of the garden, the trees grew thicker and taller and the light wasn’t shining as bright, but she paid no mind to the change in lighting.

“Why, hello there!” A voice called Hello Kitty. She looked in the direction and saw a chubby yellow dog.

“You’re not from around here are you?” He asked, she shook her head.

“I fell into a hole and ended up here! It’s quite a long story, I’ll spare the details.” She said.

“Happens to the best of us, I’m Pompompurin” He announced, and he took a bite from his biscuit. Steam rises from the biscuit.

Hello Kitty took a whiff in, inhaling the delicious aroma of the biscuit. Her tummy rumbled in hunger.

“Oh great heavens! I am famished!” She announced to the dog.

“You best get going then, I haven’t a crumb to spare. Call me glutenous if you must, but I just simply love my food.” He said, using his paw to shoo her away, not looking her way at this point.

Hello Kitty sighed in disappointment but began her way away from the dog. Once he was out of sight, Hello Kitty heard the leaves of the tree towering over her ruffle and fall onto her fur. She looked up and was met with the face of a charcoal black cat with a chocolate colored nose. By the heavens, so many delicious seeming things were tempting her now!

“Are you going to the tea party? “ The cat asked eagerly. Hello Kitty backed up, but saw this as the perfect opportunity to get some food.

“Why yes I am! I seem to be lost, do you think you can help me?” She questioned.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2023 ⏰

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