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"It was beautiful But who knew it was the endBittersweet lost love"

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"It was beautiful
But who knew it was the end
Bittersweet lost love"


Breakups never change people but the suffering does. The more you suffer, the harsher you become towards this world. As a result, the world perceives you as arrogant.

Those moments when people leave you and you are powerless to stop them. It strengthens you and prevents you from letting in unworthy people. Heartbreak never seemed like a big deal to me until I experienced it. My attitude towards people who had been broken up was sarcastic until then.

When your hands are burned, you know it is not wise to play with fire

I believe we can learn a lot from our hearts.Despite being stabbed, cheated, and broken, they work as if nothing has happened. So it's imperative to move on and forgive the person you once loved the most. In addition, it's fine to forgive yourself for prioritizing someone else over your own damn self.


Fuck my life, I should get a tattoo on my forehead. This is because that's all I want to say after meeting the most expected but unexpected person.

Yes, I am referring to Mikey, it was him last night and I hate his guts. Nevertheless, let's hope my damn CEO has a crush on me so I can have the ultimate trip to Italy.

Beck is already taking a bath but first I have to check the mail, see what places I have to review, and what information I am expected to bring back.

Okay, then WHAT THE FUCK



Vineyards to visit and take samples of the finest five

1] Sicily
2] Veneto
3] Piedmont
4] Emilia- Romagna
5] Tuscany
6] Umbria
7] Prosecco
8] Puglia
9] Trentino-Alto Adige
10] Lombardy
11] Lazio
12] Campania
13] Sardinia

CEO NOTE: We count on you Y/N, get us one of the best samples of Italy!


Wow, I must say, God really loves pulling my leg. It seems like my life is his favorite game. LITERAL 13 PLACES, bro they are too many for me, I will die working someday, I must say.

"You can use the bathtub sweetie. I put rose-scented bath oil just because you love them."

Becky said as she came out in her bathrobe and damn she is so fine. I sometimes feel lucky to have such a hot friend. However, bitch is crazy that many can't handle, so I am proud of myself to have babysat this baby beck.

I'm ready for a peaceful bath after checking this upsetting mail.


[Duomo Di Milan]

If you ask me how would I feel if I died right now? I would say beholden.

The view was literally the most beautiful sight I have seen in my life, from the top of Duomo I felt so peaceful that I never felt in my life, the slow wind passed through my cheeks and I closed my eyes for a few seconds. I was so taken aback by the tranquil atmosphere that I wanted to stay on the roof of the Duomo for the rest of my life. Albert Einstein once wrote:

"The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science."

While I was standing alone with strangers with my eyes closed his thoughts returned

I began to reflect on my life and the decisions I have made to bring me to this moment. I felt a powerful sense of gratitude for the journey I have been on, and the lessons I had learned along the way. Yet his memories always hold me back, preventing me from exploring love. I realize that I have been blessed with an unusual perspective, which has shaped me and made me stronger. I am thankful for this. But I must now confront and challenge the beliefs that hold me back. I must open myself up to true love, even if it means forgetting him.

I was about to open my eyes when a familiar hand landed on my waist from the back. I recognized the warmth of the hand and the familiar shape of the fingers, and I knew instantly whose hand it was.
I felt my heart skip a beat in anticipation of what was to come.
I slowly turned around, my eyes still closed. When I opened them, I was met with his dark gaze and I knew this trip wouldn't proceed according to my plans.


His eyes seemed to pierce my soul and I felt a chill run down my spine. I realized in that moment that I was no longer in control and that anything could happen. I knew this was not going to be an ordinary journey, and I was not sure if I was ready for the shit that awaited me. I took a deep breath and braced myself for whatever was about to come.

Because life fucks you the way it wants you. It doesn't matter how hard you try, you won't be able to control everything. You just have to accept that life isn't perfect and that it will never be. You have to learn to live with it and be resilient.

And it was my time to get fucked.

And it was my time to get fucked

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I hope you like the chapter! make sure to leave ur review, I will try my best to improve.

love <3


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