1. Daenerys

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The dreams started shortly before her seventh birthday.

And even though there were short moments that Dany couldn't quite explain she knew one thing. Her brother was going to die by the end of his journey in Hogwarts.

Yes, she didn't know when, she didn't know how. She just knew.

And that knowledge alone was capable of infusing the color of fear into her childish soul so early that Dany couldn't even remember a moment when she wasn't afraid.

Because she saw the same thing every night.

She could see the shooting star turning into a meteor; the simple flame of the candle burning the world; how the first reason somehow became the last blame. And worst of all, Danny had no idea how to prevent all of this. 

It didn't matter that her father didn't believe her. It didn't matter that she couldn't tell her mother everything. It didn't matter that she had no way to tell her brother. 

The future was clear. It wasn't something Dany or anyone could change. Not anymore that was. Now they just had to learn to face it with a stiff lip. They were the Black family after all. Nothing in the world was able to break them really. 

"Dany?" Delphi sat next to her on the train with the same smile she shared with her father. "Where did run off to, little one?"

Once she had even dreamed of Delphi's mother. Bellatrix Black. She was a true beauty, Dany had told her own mother. "How do you know?" Cassiopea Black had frowned. Dany had shrugged. 

And from that dream onwards, Daenerys could only see her great-aunt in Delphi's face.

She could see her smile.

She could see her features.

She could hear her laughter.

Sometimes it got so bad that she couldn't even see Delphi as she was. She could only see the monster that woman had become at the end. And sometimes - not so often, but still - it scared the shit out of her.

Maybe this was her curse.

Not being able to truly live, but being trapped between the memories of those who were gone and those who were going to come.

Danny looked at the book in her lap and simply tilted her head to the left. Delphi laughed. "I was reading," Daenerys said. "After that I don't know."

"What are you reading?" Delphi delicately took the book from her little niece's hands. "The Cursed Child. The Harry Potter Memoir." She tried to hide her smile. Not very well. "Do Cassie and Kol know you're reading this?"

Dad doesn't care, she wanted to say, but she just shrugged. She couldn't reveal that. Not yet. "I guess I should read it. He's our professor this year." 

Delphi frowned. "Sometimes I'm really surprised at how well you can eavesdrop, Dany." She sighed and leaned back in her seat. "Is there anything interesting in here?" 

"Besides the fact that apparently mom is the big bad wolf? Nope." Danny ran a finger along the cover of the book. "I didn't understand why he was the cursed child, though. He wasn't nearly as screwed up as mom was."

Dany had only seen their grandfather once. Sirius Orion Black, who had pushed his daughter out of the way of the spell. Who had saved not only her but them too. She had seen - also in that dream - Sirius put a hand on his daughter's shoulder. "You, Cassiopeia Andromeda Black, will be the greatest human of our kind to ever exist. Trust me."

Her mother had smiled. In the dream she was no bigger than Daphne and Wally. She had had the same nervous habits as her older sisters - like herself. She had been playing with the ends of her hair. She was biting her lip. "Of course I trust you," she had said at the end. "I trust you, I don't trust myself."

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