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"Shit. I've over slept," I thought as a raced to get ready for school. It was only half way through the term and I was already feeling the pressure. "Ugh......," I said as I
threw on some tattered white skinny jeans and my favorite custom B.A.P. shirt and my steel-toed boots. Literally, kicking down my front door, I ran to my car. "Shit. I forgot. i still haven't gotten tires yet." I grabbed my custom k-pop bag that was complete with a number of k-pop logos sewn into it and ran the whole way to the University of Memphis.

Huffing and puffing the minute I got on campus, I stopped to catch my breath. "Dammit. I need to stop spending my days making cosplay outfits and writing fanfiction." I thought to myself, "I need to get up and out more." Just then, my friend Zoe -Jesus- came barreling down the strip to me. I quickly placed my footing so when she hit me, I wouldn't hit the ground. I was still recovering from last time. SMACK!!!!! "OMO!!!!!!! ANN, HAVE YOU HEARD?" she screamed upon impact. "Shit, Jesus. No. I just got here. I slept in again. " I mumbled. "Did you have that weird dream again? The one with the cute Asian guys?" she asked curiously. "I've done told you that they are Korean and it was different this time." I mumbled kicking the gravel under my feet. We started to walk across campus. I had to be in the music building this morning and was already gonna be late, why not tell her what happened.

"Okay, so this time I was at this place I didn't quite recognize. I was running and that's how I knew it was a dream because I haven't ran since I got hurt in high school, but back on track, I literally ran into this super cute Korean guy. He was where some light grey sweat pants and a dark grey hoodie. I didn't quite see his face but I could tell he had one of those face guards on. The face guard was hot pink and had these spikes on it. It was pretty rad looking, but I ended up hitting the ground. In this amazingly good English he said, 'Oops. I am so sorry. Are you okay?' After confirming that I was okay, he walked away at a brisk pace. Then the scene changed. I was on this beach with the other Korean guy. He had these beautiful piercing eyes but the emotions I felt were just contentedness. Then I was in another place. It was this beautiful restaurant. It was lite with those romantic pillar candles and the food looked so amazing. I was wearing this hideous dress though. It was a pale pink but there was this beautiful guy across from me. He had this smile that literally made me melt. I remember that smile perfectly." I explained with a redness creeping into my cheeks and a smile on my face.

"Wow. So there wasn't a dance studio that you were working at this time? Or crutches?" Jesus asked quizzically. Laughing I said, "Hell no and thank God. The crutches seems all too real but any way, what were you gonna tell me?" "OMG!! So there are these famous Asians that have enrolled here and they are starting today!!!! They say that its just for a little bit but still. That is so cool. I mean goddamnit, famous people!" she rambled. deep in my thoughts, I began to see why she was excited. A cute, hopefully single famous boy? Why not explore? "Well, I gotta get to class," I said as we finally arrived at the music building, "Mr. Sharp won't be happy with me being 10 minutes late." "Okay," Jesus said with much excitement in her voice.

I pushed the main door and discovered it wasn't unlocked. "Dammit," i muttered out loud. Walking to the other side of the building, I finally found a door that was unlocked. I took the stairs 2 at a time, practically running up them as I went. When i got to the second floor, I slipped inside the auditorium. 'Nice. There's still a good spot in the middle of the room. At least I can pretend I was here the whole time,' I thought to myself. Slipping into my seat, noticed that no one was really paying attention to the teacher. They were all talking about the famous people starting here. With a stiff yawn, I pulled out my notes and began to copy the notes. 'All these people are gonna be asking me for notes. At least I'll be able to milk them of a few bucks first,' I thought with a smug look on my face. The guy next to me was writing his notes as well. I didn't recognize him but in college that doesn't matter. People come and go all the time. He looked like a regular guy. He was wearing these skinny jeans that were way too tight on him and he was wearing this black tank top with a red button up over it. He looked nice. He even had these disgruntled converses on. It never struck my mind that he was anybody of importance, but then I saw his face.

His face was so familiar. It was very round and he had these cheeks that were just so cute. I wanted to pinch them. His eyes were the next thing I noticed. They were this beautiful shade of brown, a shade that wasn't too dark but not to light either. It was literally perfect. He had his hair bleached platinum blond and it was sitting in small waves on his head. But it was the smile that really spoke to me. The smile showed these smile lines and these perfectly white teeth. That smile was the smile that belonged to the boy in my dream. Upon this realization, my jaw hit the floor and a gasp escaped my mouth. He just stared at me with a look on his face that said, "What the hell."

'What in the world of holy fucks?!?!? He has the exact same smile as that boy in my dream. Dammit! Why couldn't I have remembered everything else as well! This can't be the same guy. But what if it is? This guy is definitely Korean and that smile. God, that smile. It's just so warm and happy. It's also kinda innocent as well. UUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH.' I thought to myself as I went back to my notes with a panic to my actions. Throughout the rest of the class, I snuck looks from the corner of my eyes. He was very focused on our lesson on modern music and his handwriting looked amazing compared to my chicken scratch.

Before I knew it Mr. Sharp was dismissing class. I packed up my bag and went to stand up. However, clumsy me tripped and I fell right into the guy with that smile. He caught me and asked, "Are you okay?" Blushing a deep shade of red I muttered, " Yeah. Sorry about that I'm just so clumsy." with that beautiful smile flashing he put me up right. 'Holy shit, he is so strong.' I thought with my racing. He held out his hand and I took it. "My name is Choi Jun-hong, but you can call me Zelo. That's what my er- friends call me," he stated. still blushing I responded, "My name is AnnMarie. You can call me Ann if you want to." Flashing that smile, Zelo said, "Well, it was nice of you to fall into me. I better be getting off. I have to find the art building." He turns to walk away, but not before I decided that I was going to show him the way. It was on the way to the anthropology building anyway. "Hey, wait up. I can show you the way. It on the way to my next class anyway," I spoke with confidence.

With another flashy smile, he waited for me. We walked in silence for a few minutes. With my head swimming, I thought, 'Oh my fucking god! He is just so cute. Shit don't think like that! He is way outta your league. ' Finally, I asked," So, what are you majoring in?" It was a perfectly innocent question, a question that was always a good conversation starter. Without missing a beat, he smiled and said, "I'm double majoring in music and fashion." I was completely dumbfound. I didn't expect such an artist answer. "What's yours?" he asked curiously. Blushing again I said, "I'm a double major in forensic anthropology and psychology." It was his turn to look surprised. If only I knew what he thought of that response but I didn't bother. We had just gotten to the art building. "Well, this is your stop. Thanks again for catching me earlier. Just look for the number above the door," I said blushing even darker. With what appeared to be a mocking smile he turned saying, "Thank you AnnMarie. I will be seeing you around." I waited til he had disappeared into the building before I ran the rest of the way to Manning Hall.

'Holy fucking shit balls batman. What did he mean by that? What did that smirk mean? Ugh. Why does his smile make my heart do what feels like somersaults?' A million questions raced through my mind as a took the stairs to the third floor. I was so distracted that I didn't notice the guy with the piercing eyes walking past me in the hall.

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