Coffee Shop Paradise

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Leo's POV

I had spent the day planning a make up date with Candice. I was so shameful for having left her the way I did. When I called her up and apologized, I was shocked that she was so understanding. I asked her to meet me at the local coffee shop in town. I wanted a more private place than the Starbucks on the campus. I wanted to apologize again in person in a way that I knew she would appreciate immensely.

I arrived at the coffee shop and waited outside for her. She arrived only five minutes later. She looked beautiful in her shorts, black and white stripped sweater, and her black converses. The significance of such an outfit made my heart swell as I smiled. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and we walked in together.

The smell of fresh ground coffee beans was so relaxing and I was pleased to see that it was quite empty as well. I ordered a French Chocolate Mocha Latte and she ordered a simple iced coffee. We sat at a table and sipped at our coffee. Finally, she told me, "Don't worry about it. Zelo told me how emotional you got when shameful things like that happened. you don't have to worry about it. I understand. if I hadn't been so shocked myself, I would've been just as angry."

That made me feel better but I was still going to apologize in my way on a more personal level that not only would've showed her how sorry I was but just how much I loved her. Pulling my chair closer to her, and pulled her soft hands into mine. She didn't have any rings on but she had a number of braided bracelets on each wrist. I looked around to make sure no one was looking out way and I leaned in and kissed her softly.

Finally, stood up and walked over to the grand piano that was I knew was tuned perfectly due to me having been here numerous times to fix it's ear splitting tone to that of perfection. With a soft melody that held a slow harmony, I began to sing---
Like the blood that rushes to your cheeks as I kiss them, so does the warmth in my now warm heart.
As I leave you alone at night, you know deep down that you are the flowering blossom to my tears that fall when you aren't watching
They fall for many things, but not from anything you could possible do.
As our lips touch softly in private, the love we share blossoms out and time passes by as we whisper our undying love for each other within each other's ears.
I promise to never hurt you I love you and I care for you and I see your eyes telling me the same as I pull you closer to my now beating heart.
As time goes by, day after day, the many roses I give you, slowly the petals fall around us as if they were the blossom tears of our lives.
With each petal that falls, I give you a kiss more passionate then the last as I tell you that
I promise to never hurt you I love you and I care for you and I see your eyes telling me the same as I pull you closer to my now beating heart.
Why couldn't we have met sooner?
I would have never grown a cold hard heart it would have always beat for you even as we were separated by life's cruel unfairnesses.
I never want to see tears fall from your eyes even as I still give you blooming blossoms as we grow old together
Blossoming together, we will always belong together you have set me free and shown me just what life was truly about
Baby, I promise to never hurt you I love you and I care for you and I see your eyes telling me the same as I pull you closer to my now beating heart.

The few people that were in the shop, clapped as I stood up and walked over to Candice. She was whipping tears from her eyes, but based on her smile, I knew that they were happy tears. I got down to my knees and said," Saranghae, baby girl. I love you my, starlight. I'm sorry for leaving you alone and that's my way of proving it." I pulled her up in my arms as I stood up. She hugged me in the tightest embrace I had ever felt. I hugged her myself and we stood like this until she stopped crying.

Candice's POV

I had told him that it was fine and that I understood perfectly but I could tell he didn't accept it. When he got up and went to the piano, I was confused but excited. I listened as he sang. I knew that that song was straight from his heart and I couldn't help but cry at the amount of raw emotion that I felt as he sang it in such a quiet voice.

When he finished and walked over to me, I couldn't stop the water works. I was glad that he held me the way he did and I was glad he understood my tears. "Blossom Tears," I said as we walked out the coffee shop when I had gotten ahold of myself. He just blushed and pulled me closer. Finally, he said, " Your friends told me your favorite song, so I wrote another one around that one. I'm sorry if it was as bad as the first one." He was blushing so hard and I could tell he was about to apologize for a beautiful song. Before he did, I said, "Don't apologize for such a perfect song. I loved it. Just as much as I loved you. I kissed him then and I couldn't help but love the way it felt as his heart beat against my chest.

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