You've Got to Be 'Kitten' me.

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     The car ride back into the city was quiet, the only time I really moved was to check my phone for texts from Bryson. Everything seemed to move slower, and I hated it...
Bryson had told me that D/n had a great day, but missed me greatly! I was so excited to see D/n again.

     "So...what were those things..." Jorn spoke up to be rid of the quiet. " Thing? What is it?" Jorn glances at me then he returns his eyes to the road.

    "It was...a lead, that's all. I wanted to investigate because...I wanted everyone to be safe!" I mumble quietly, now just then I realize how stupid it really was, but I'll protect people regardless of how dangerous it really will be!

     "You know you can't do that Y/n...we have rules about this! You and I have rules about this." Jorn sighs and takes one of his hands off the wheel to run it through his hair. "We can't lose you Y/n, the station needs you, this case needs you, I need you to stay alive." Jorn finally looks at me at a stop sign. Yet only for a moment.

     "What do you know about this creature?" Jorn says as he continues to drive. 

     "It's...attributes is like a cartoon. Just like its name." I straighten my posture when talking about the creature. Jorn's face was exhausted, understandable from what just happened not so long ago. 

     "Jesus, Y/n...when I saw you so far out from the city doing whatever fuckin' investigation this is...I almost had a heart attack." 

     "I can protect myself..." 

     "Well from what was happening it looked like it was gonna eat 'ya as it did for the other missing people!" Jorn yelled, but his expression softened when he continued. " this what was happening to all the missing people?" Jorn scoffed.

     "Hard to believe it when that cat looked like it came straight from a kid's nightmare, now you're gonna tell me the boogeyman is real." Jorn chuckled lightly, I appreciate him trying to lighten the mood.

     " I can't say," I reply laughing lightly.

     "What about that horse thing? What of it?"

     "Eh...that one I don't know too much of, I smelt - er- cinnamon I think?" I shrugged as I leaned on the door frame of the car, looking out the window, part of me wanted to see the Cartoon Cat again. I wanted to talk to it, to know why it was killing and eating all these people. To live? To survive? Or just for the fun of it?

     "Yeup, I smelt that too. Some freaky shit there." Jorn pulled into the station, I thought we were going home.

     "Hey- what? Why are we here? I have to go home for D/n!" I say looking at Jorn with an angry expression.

     "Well I need answers," Jorn says getting out of the car. "If you need D/n then tell whoever you are asking to dogsit D/n to bring him over here. I missed that fur ball anyways." I sigh, I knew this was a bad idea...but Jorn is persistent and I knew I can't bring this to my place.

     "Fine," I call up Bryson to ask him to bring D/n to the police station I worked at. It wasn't too far from my house thankfully.

     After waiting for about 15 to 20 minutes Bryson pulled up in his car with D/n inside. D/n basically jumped on me and licked my face. "D/n! Hey, I missed you!" I say using that baby voice.

     "I hope he wasn't too much of a hassle," I say looking up at Bryson. 

     "Nah, he was a dream better than any other dog I've dog sat in the past." Bryson chuckled.

     "Oh, right! Here. It's a tip, I know I paid you already through the app- but since you basically worked overtime...I think you deserve this." I have him 30 dollars from my wallet, it's a lot but I've got a good-paying job anyways.

     "Thank you so much!" Bryson took the money and pocketed it.

     "Well, I better get going. I'll see you around?" I extended my hand and shook hands with Bryson. Only to pull away to see a piece of paper in my hands. I unravel the paper to see a phone number.


     Read the paper. I couldn't believe it, my FIRST number! Well. the first time someone has given me theirs! I've always given MY own number! Always waiting for a response...never got one. I just hope this isn't some prank. And Bryson isn't half bad looking! Black hair and dark brown eyes could easily be mistaken for black. And tanned skin...wait y/n what are you thinking??
Ooh..but Bryson is like...33! And I'm only 25...What a red flag.

     I ignore the number as of right now tucking it in my pocket as I lead D/n inside the station.
Fortunately, D/n is trained, so he didn't start acting up in new environments.

    "Well, took you long enough. I thought you stood me up!" Jorn said as he stood from his desk.

    "Psshh... as if you'd let me," I say jokingly. 

     "That's true, aww, and look who we got 'ere!" Jorn kneeled to D/n level and gave him a pat on the head which D/n happily accepted. 

    "Arf!" D/n barked as he lay down on the floor. Probably tired from doing absolutely nothing.

     "Well...we better start talking about these creatures, right?" I go over to my office to the computer and turn it on.

     "I don't know why we just didn't do this at my place." I sigh.

     "Well, the station's closer...and I actually left during my shift to pick you up."

    I turn to Jorn widening my eyes. "What." I roll my eyes. "You can't just leave your shift to pick me up." I raise my voice in a silly matter as if I'm explaining something to a friend that only has one brain cell, usually, I'm said friend but we don't talk about it.

    "Well, I do whatever I want whenever I want, got it Y/n?" Jorn said picking up on my joke and responding in the same friendly manner.

    "Okay, back to Cartoon Cat," I say retracing us to the main situation, which really just induced my uncomfortableness with the situation.

    "This is where I first saw it. The drawing that Jewlly drew was very similar to the thing we saw at the mall." I say pulling up a site with the same Cartoon Cat. 

    "Alright...where's the drawing now?" 

    "In my MY CAR!!" I say standing up suddenly.

    "IT'S STILL AT THAT MALL!!" I panic, was I expected to go back there while that thing is on the prowl?!

    "Woah...woah Y/n I'm sure it'll be fine. We'll go back for it tomorrow!" Jorn quickly comes to my side as I panic. "I'm sure it's gonna be fine." 


    After 2 or so hours of research on Cartoon Cat and Long Horse, we deducted that Long Horse was a friendly entity that came to us in the physical world rather than a dream, as it would normally have done. But what really stumped me was it smelling or giving off the smell of cinnamon, but I didn't complain as cinnamon wasn't that bad of a smell.

    Jorn found out that Cartoon Cat follows the properties of cartoons, you know, able to bend its own reality to its will. Like how it could bend its limbs however it liked. Cartoon Cat also had minimal weaknesses the only ones I seemed to find were things like nail polish remover or alcohol. 

    "Says here he's also scared of dogs." Jorn let out a small chuckle seemingly asking himself how a creature like that would be afraid of something so precious like D/n. 

 "Well, now I know it won't kill me in my house." I look down at D/n who then looked up at me from his spot where he was laying down. "You gotta protect me, alright D/n?" I say kneeling down and rubbing his belly.

    D/n just laid down accepting my endless giving of pet love. "What else is there?" I say getting up from my previous position.

    "Hm...also his weaknesses abide by cartoon rules too," Jorn said scrolling down the website.

    "What does that mean?" Jorn stopped to put a hand to his chin as if thinking, turning his gaze to the ceiling as he thought.

    "You know how fake doors worked in cartoons right?" Jorn said turning to me.

    "Uh..I think so, yeah?" I say nodding.

    "Things like that, the old door trick would get 'em good, or stepping on his foot to get 'em to launch in the air," Jorn said chuckling, to me, it was hard to picture something thing like that happening to the cat.

    "Oh, and a good sound of a dog barking would work just fine." Jorn read the article from the site.

    "These seem a bit...underwhelming. I think bug spray worked just fine the first time." I crossed my arms while shrugging. I have to say I was pretty badass during that time, I then look around to the rest of the station. It was basically deserted, nobody seemed to be there except us.

    "Where is everyone?" I say a little uneasy. 

    "You don't see the time?" Jorn said pulling his sleeve to reveal his watch.

    "It's 11 pm." 

     "It's so LATE! I need to get home and investigate the case, not be here looking at some website a teenager made!" I grab my bags, I was planning on walking D/n home despite the time, if Jorn wasn't going to cooperate. 

     "Ugh, fine then, but let me drive you. I'm sure it'll be easier since it's so late. It's not safe walking you home so late." Jorn ushered me out of my office while shutting off my computer. I'm sure my boss will be really confused when he sees 'Cartoon Cat' in my search history, but whatever.

     The car ride was comfortable and quiet, I had nothing really in my mind as I listened to the white noise which was the car driving. I hadn't noticed how tired I really was, I'm also sure the pain of me getting thrown into a wall will hit me like a train in the morning. D/n was in the back seat probably asleep since I looked back and saw his body hanging off the edge of the seat, fast asleep.

     "Such an eventful day," Jorn mumbled as we pulled up to my driveway.

     "Tch, talk about it." I laughed lightly to myself. "Not the ideal way to see the reason responsible for the missing and death of many teens and young adults." I shake my head while smiling.  Smiling during hard times and sometimes laughing was some sort of coping mechanism. 

     "Ya don't say...Welp, I'll see you on Monday?" Jorn says waving to me as I got up from my seat. "Work is gonna be a bitch to me but I can handle it." Jorn let out an irritated sigh.

     "I'll count on you to make my day a bitch too," I say laughing. D/n woke up and turned to me, I opened the back seat door and D/n got out slowly. I grabbed the leash that Bryson used for him.

     "Sure," Jorn said shaking his head, I close the door and waved to him as he was backing away.

     "Come on D/n let's get some sleep." Yawning I search my pockets for the key, thankfully I didn't leave that in my car when I was dragged away by Jorn.

     After a few minutes of preparing myself for sleep, I look to only see D/n was fast asleep on the couch. I didn't mind D/n sleeping on the couch as long as he wasn't going to pee on it like he did when we was a pup.
I stretch as I entered my study room to see the place a mess, the reports and papers everywhere. But not only that but the place was destroyed. I could only step back in shock, large claw marks were on my walls peeling the wallpaper I spent oh so long replacing, and the lamp I had used in the past shattered on the floor, my desk was flipped and on the surface of it, I notice a small note with messy handwriting. 

"Nobody survives me."

Apple_woman: Word count was a little over 2000! I'm gonna try and make my chapters longer and maybe start another book! YeAP!! I'm a little ahead of myself but this's gonna be!!! SLENDERMAN!!! Yay..- I guess? I have no idea what my obsession is with monsters but lol it's whatever!! I hope you guys are looking forward to it. I'll try and start it sooner or later but you have no idea how hard it is for me to start another book- not that I can't it's just I don't know how without it starting off awkwardly.  
But other than that I think I have a pretty good feeling about the rest of does forgotten Super star y/n sound?! 

Also, I'm going to be doing some revisions in the future of the chapters to make the story flow more smoothly! I might post a little chapter about it or an ending note like these in a future chapter when I'm finished. I don't mean to plug my story or anything but check out past chapters when I'm done! I swear it's worth it lol.

[I Caught you!] Cartoon Cat x Reader ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now