Part 10- Royal Gathering And Unexpected Guests

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[ Daniel's POV ]

Daniel: [ holding his head and sitting up ] Oh fuck me I'm never drinking that much again.

[ Daniel hears snoring and he looks to his side to see Loona lying under the covers ]

Daniel: Ah jeez.

[ Daniel gets up and heads down to the hotel lobby and makes some coffee ]

Daniel: This sucks.

[ One hour later ]

[ Daniel hears someone come down the stairs and sees it's Angel ]

Daniel: Hey Angel.

Angel: Hey you sleep well?

Daniel: Somewhat, Just got a really bad hangover.

Angel: How much did you drink?

Daniel: Uhhh 4 or 5 bottles.


Daniel: Yeah I know.

[ The Demon and the Cyborg then hear a very loud voice]


Angel: What was that?

Daniel: My coworker.

[ They then hear a door slam open then running]

Loona: Daniel I'm going rip your fucking face off!!

Daniel: Shit.

[ Loona then runs down the stairs and tries to knock Daniel down but she can't even move him so she just scratches the shit out of his chest ripping his clothes and skin ]

Daniel: Loona.

[ Loona just keeps scratching him ]

Daniel: [ Grabbing her wrists] Loona!

[ Loona looks up at him breathing heavily ]

Daniel: Calm down I didn't do anything I'm not a scumbag like most people are.

[ Daniel pulls Loona into a hug ]

Daniel: It's alright.

[ Loona returns the hug and digs her claws into his back ]

Loona: Sorry about your shirt.

Daniel: I hated it anyway.

Loona: [ Chuckles] Heh your a dork sometimes.

Daniel: I know.

[They soon hear more people coming down the stairs and they look to see Charlie, Husker, Niffty, and Vaggie who has her spear ]

Husker: Who the fuck was yelling?

[Angel points at Daniel and Loona]

Vaggie: What happened?

[ Daniel explains the bet he and Loona made and the morning mayhem ]

Vaggie: Ugh.

Daniel: Yeah.

Husker: I'm too sober for this.

Daniel: It's only 10:15.

Husker: Fuck off.

Daniel: Okay then.

Loona: Daniel?

Daniel: Yes Loona?

Loona: Tell anyone I hugged you and I'll put you into a crusher.

Daniel: It'll be our little secret.

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