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Electro was born September 13, 2019, to loving atoms Wiz and Ada Posey. When Ada tried to nurse Electro, she got an electric shock, so the family had to come up with a system to feed him which involved use of many forks, and knives, and other implements. As Electro got older, the sparks got bigger, so everyone was a little on edge, and cautious around him.

Electros big brother Mono was a normal atom, so Electro grew up watching his brother interact with others in all the ways that he was told not to. 

One day, Electro was playing at the River Park with his parents and the family dog, Kipper. The dog got too close to Electro, dancing happily toward him, ready to lick his face, as he had so often done with Mono. 

His mother screamed, "NOOO!!," but it was too late. Kipper jumped onto Electro's lap, and before he could lick his face, he was immediately shocked with 10,000 volts of electricity, and he began wimpering, crying, shaking and having a seizure. 

Next, his eyes rolled back into his head, his mouth fell open and he stopped moving. 

"Electro," his mother said. "Push Kipper away and step back please." Electro did, and his mother used a tester stick, her metal baton which she used to interact with Electro, into Kippers belly, poking gently. Kipper didn't move, but no more electric sparks came out. Mono broke into tears, his Dad walked away, and his mother gazed sharply at Electro. She fixed him in a vicious, angry gaze and stated in a dead-pan voice, "Electro. Kipper is dead. This is why. This is why you must NEVER TOUCH ANYONE!. Have I made myself clear?"

Electro looked down at Kipper, at his brother weeping, his Dad in the distance, then back to his mother. 

Everything inside him wanted to scream and cry. He wanted to go crazy and run away and have a fit. Instead, he took a deep breath, and lowered his head, nodding silently.

His mother picked up Kippers body, carried him to the edge of the River, and threw him in. 

Electro Super Cute!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora