Electric City Elementary School

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Electro had to be kept away from all the other kids in his school, and growing up, he knew he was different. He was lonely. Electro saw other families and friends playing, dancing, hugging and they all seemed so happy. But for Electro, he was jealous and sad.

At school, Electro had the reputation of being a gloomy person. There were a few other gloomy atoms around, but Electro was too afraid to shock them with his powers. 

One day, in social studies class, the teacher was telling them about atoms around the world, and explaining how things work in atom universe. He explained that sometimes bad atoms are born and hurt the others and cause them pain and suffering. He told the class that bad atoms are mean, and have no feelings, and that they are not really atoms at all, but they only look like them. Bad atoms only pretend to have feelings, and to understand others, but the only thing that they really feel is hatred for the atom race. He explained that Electric City, where they lived, had set up special places to put bad atoms, to keep them away from the others. They called them Atomic Containment Centers, and there was one in Electric City, their home.

He told the students to watch out for signs of bad atoms, such as excessive gloominess, distance from others, and shyness. He said not to be fooled by them, for they are very fake. He said that bad atoms only think of certain things, and that they may appear, or talk differently from the others.

He said that if anyone suspected an atom of being bad, they should report it right away.

Electro was appalled. His mother and father had always warned him to hide his powers, and after Kipper died, he did this flawlessly. He never wanted anything bad to happen to anyone again. Suddenly he realized, though, that he was a bad atom. His parents were protecting him all this time. He took a deep breath, and after the subject changed, he excused himself to the bathroom.

Electro sat in the bathroom stall and had his first real crying session. His eyes were puffy, and pouring out tears. His knees were weak. He could barely hold back from making lots of crying noises. He remembered Kipper, and saw images of everyone touching, and playing, and heard Kippers pathetic wimpering in his head. He kept seeing the images and hearing the voices over and over and over. It lasted for around 30 minutes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2023 ⏰

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