Adventure in Action: Character

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Detective Reverty Patrick Walker was sitting in the driver's seat of his black F-150, tapping his thumb on the steering wheel. He had the window down and his greenish brown eyes were squinting across the dusty deserted street in the fading daylight, waiting for a specific vehicle to make an appearance. He was scowling, but he wasn't particularly angry about anything- that was simply his face. Ugly work over many years had hardened his heart and his demeanor followed suit. Beneath his furrowed brow, he had a two-day shadow on a slightly ruddy cheek.

Rev ran a massive hand across his voluntarily bald, perfectly round head. There were scars and callouses across the knuckles of that hand from decades of never backing down. He had been waiting here for a couple of hours now but Rev was always dogged in accomplishing what he set out to do. He was insufferably patient, mainly because his work was the only purpose he had in life, and right now he was working. He was always working. There was no family, no partner, and no hobbies to distract him, unless you counted the training he did in his free time as hobbies- rock climbing, tree climbing, running, shooting, throwing knives and Ninja stars, practicing mixed martial arts, karate, kickboxing, taekwondo, and lifting weights.

By birth, Rev was thirty-six years old, but in reality he was an ambiguous age of being attractive to every woman of any age, young enough for his body to perform as he expected, and old enough to have enough wisdom and life experience to execute his job well.

Rev was a sleuth, a private investigator, a detective...working undercover as a liaison for the FBI anti-trafficking force. He used to be a cop, then a detective, in New York City an entire lifetime ago, back when he had family, a girlfriend, emotions...back when he was normal. Rev had always been tough- he was naturally strong and assertive, pain didn't bother him, fear didn't sway his decisions, and he had a protective instinct which drove him to throw in his lot to every unfair fight which had absolutely nothing to do with him.

He was a Brit by birth, born in Yorkshire, England. His family relocated to New York City when he was a teenager so his dad had more career avenues to follow. He also was a very skilled detective, and Rev had quite easily followed in his footsteps. Though Rev had relocated to the states at a relatively young age, he maintained some phrases and an accent typical to his heritage. However, he was adept at various different believable dialects and could easily slip into character as a Texan or a Midwesterner. No matter the accent, when he spoke his voice was slightly nasal, and the bridge of his nose slightly flatted, from being broken a time or two.

When his beautiful baby sister was beaten to death by her boyfriend in Nowhere, Midwest, heading back to New York from a vacation in San Francisco, he immediately dropped everything to spend months searching for the proof needed to convict him. He lost his parents to death and his girlfriend to another man during that time. Clint Black was the lead investigator on her case, and he and Rev maintained contact. Over time, Clint climbed the FBI ranks and used Rev's assistance more and more. Rev wasn't confined by codes of conduct and wouldn't hesitate to bend or break most laws. He didn't need to wait for permission and wasn't held back by red tape. The scores of victimized individuals Rev helped break free from oppression helped soothe the guilt he had from not being able to prevent the death of his own sister. Rev knew he was a lethal weapon, and he was completely at peace with being used as such.

Rev's body was stamped with tattoos and scars over every area other than his neck, face, and bald head. Some of the more prominent ones were a knife swipe stretching across a rib on his left side, a bullet wound on his upper right arm near the shoulder joint, and a stab from a knife in his upper left bicep. He stood six feet one inch tall, and every muscle in his body was honed and maintained to maximum efficiency. He was solid muscle and visually intimidating, but the most interesting thing about Rev was that he wasn't a mean person, despite all outward appearances. He could be vicious and brutal, but only when it was called for. He was kind to kind people, he protected those who couldn't protect themselves, but he delivered justice in whatever form worked best with no hesitation to those who deserved it.

In Rev's undercover work he typically used aliases of Dave, Travis, or Patrick Smith. Right now he happened to be Dave, and he was waiting for his contact to bring him to the boss, to get 'Dave' set up with some work.


Detective Reverty Walker in Adventure in Actionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें