Chapter 1

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Today, was the first day of a new chapter for me.

I am Luna Hernandez, the daughter from the well known old Barca player and now former coach, Xavi Hernandez.
Exactly on this day it's been two weeks since i arrived in Barcelona again.
You must think, where else could she be?
Well, my dear father thought it was a great idea to send me to England for a few years. Yes, you heard that right.
I was getting bored of school, so i didn't put any effort for school anymore.
I didn't even come out of bed anymore, and wanted to do nothing with my life.
My father started threatening me that he was going to send me to England, because the study's were gonna be way harder there, and would be way more strictly than in Barcelona.
He wanted me to at least finish high school, maybe even starting at the university.
According to him, i was way to smart for doing nothing my whole life.

I never thought he would actually send me to England, well i thought wrong.
He did.
I knew nobody there, so i basically lived on my own.
I knew nobody there, until i started going out with the friends i made on high school.
I met some older friends of them, which i got on well with.
Like i said, firstly i didn't knew anybody.
But my dad gave me enough money with me, to at least rent an apartment.
Was it allowed to live on your own when your underage?
But you actually can rent a apartment when your 17.
I got send to England when i was at that age.
He wanted do to it way earlier but he knew i couldn't rent a apartment when i was under the age of 17.

When i finished high school at the age of 18, he wanted me to stay there.
To be honest, i don't know for which reason.
I guess he just wanted to get rid of me or something.
He still wanted me to go to university, but i still didn't.
He wasn't there, so he couldn't say decide for me if i was going to university or not.
Even tho he knew, he couldn't do anything about it.
The only thing he could do was getting me back to Barcelona, which he did.
Technically, he still hadn't anything to say about me because i was above the age of 18.
But the thing was, he was still sending me money for my apartment.
I didn't wanted to get a job, so i just took advantage of his money.

Even tho i didn't knew many people in England and was getting bored because i always was on my own, i didn't wanted to go back to Barcelona.
Why? Because my father would start giving me punishments again whenever i didn't do something like he wanted.
After a long time he didn't reached out to me anymore, he gave up.
But the loneliness only started getting worse, so I decided to call him to ask if i could come back to Barcelona.

At first he didn't liked the idea because he reached out to me so many times, but i always refused.
Until he got a brilliant idea inside his head.
I was allowed to come back home, but under one condition.

I would get a job.

He didn't wanted to letting me live on his costs.
Like i said before, i didn't wanted to get a job.
But literally everything was better than always having to miss my family, and friends who i knew from my childhood.
So i took the decision to go back home.

My father didn't always had much free time for himself, because of his job at Fc Barcelona.
So his brilliant idea was, to let me be his assistant coach.
And yes, i knew a lot about football.
I never liked to play it myself, but because of my fathers position with being a old Barca player, he always showed me games of himself when he was younger.
He explained every little detail to me.
I enjoyed watching it, but i was to lazy to play it myself.
Ofcourse i didn't get money for it, but he could check on me the whole day if i was doing it right and actually put effort in it.
He would get more time for himself, so he was fine with it.
But he always said if i was gonna misbehaving again, there would be consequences.
He never said what those consequences would be, but to be honest i didn't really care.

So as I said, today i was officially 2 weeks back in Barcelona.
Today would be my first day as assistant coach.
Did i looked forward to it?
Yes and no.
Yes, because i love watching them play.
No, because it means that i have to work with people all day long.
I never liked meeting new people, only people i know very well.


"Luna, wake up we have to go in a hour."
I heard my dad's voice on the other side of my bedroom.

"Mmh give me 5 minutes."
I rubbed my eyes, trying to open them.
Even tho it's only 10 o'clock in the morning, i'm not a morning person.
And never will be.

After 5 minutes, i was able to step out of bed.
I picked my outfit for today.

I also took a simple black hoodie with me incase it was getting cold

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I also took a simple black hoodie with me incase it was getting cold.
In Barcelona it's always hot, but we were in October now, and i got cold easily.

I walked downstairs to have some breakfast, even tho i never eat that much in the morning.

"Hey there, i almost thought you bed had eaten you up."
He laughed.
I sighed irritated.
I don't need his dad jokes in the morning.

I took a banana and sat down at the dinner table.

"Is that all your gonna eat?"
He said grabbing for him a whole complete meal.

"Yes. Problems?"
I rolled my eyes.
My father shook his head and laughed at my grumpiness.

"It seems like your morning grumpiness didn't change in England?"


"You know, i also could've let you start the same day you arrived here, but i didn't. So don't be so grumpy and be grateful i even let you come back home."
He said a bit more serious.
I was 2 weeks back in Barcelona, my dad choose to let me settle in a bit before i had to start.

"Yes yes."
I already almost finished my banana.

"Ow yeah, i got some news for you that's gonna boost your grumpiness even more."

"What is it?"
I looked at my father.

"There's a new player coming today, his number is 24 and he's gonna be a defender."
My father said waiting for my reaction.
Could this day even be worse? Why didn't he told me earlier, he knew i don't like new people.

I sighed.

"Yes, and i want you to be nice to him. Got that?"
He said more serious.

"Can't promise you that. What's even his name?"
I walked to the kitchen to wash my hands when i finished my banana.

"Eric Garcia."


Hey guysss!
Finally the first chapter. I know the whole explanation was boring, but it was necessary because otherwise you wouldn't understand the story.
I tried my best to make it as good as possible.
Let me know what you think of it🫶🏻


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