The Origin

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Inside the towering and imposing doors of the Akademiya, the matra held a meeting to discuss how to capture a new troublemaker in the area. However, none of the matra spoke up out of fear for the General Mahamatra. Stories of a terrifying man who killed all who looked at him were commonplace amongst their ranks. Cyno looked at their avoiding eyes and sighed, making some of the matra jump. He decided to try something to get rid of the tense atmosphere. "I once saw a man who had made Henna Berry pies mixed with Rukkhashava mushrooms. I asked him if he was the first one to do so, and he replied that he was. Therefore, I told him, 'You must be a very innovative pie-oneer,'" Cyno said with a serious expression.

When the matra all stared at him with incredulous faces, he asked, "Oh, was the joke not clear enough for you? You see, because the man was selling a pie made from a new and interesting combination of ingredients, he must have been the first person to do so, making him a pioneer in the field of baking pies. The humorous part of the story lies in the play of words. The word 'pie' fits into the word 'pioneer', thus creating a pun."

Some of the matra pinched themselves, and the rest of them paled so much that Cyno was tempted to ask them if they needed to go to the Bimarstan. The one thing similar between all the matra was the strange look on their faces—as if they were restraining themselves from doing something.

Eventually, a matra couldn't handle it burst out into laughter. Immediately after, the rest of the matra joined in, slapping the tables hysterically and staring at Cyno confundedly, who stared back with a satisfied look and the feeling of contentment that came with completing one's own important mission.

He left the room, leaving the crazed matra alone. Eventually, they calmed down, and stared at each other.

"Was that—"

"Did the General Mahamatra, Cyno, really just crack a joke?"

"Am I hallucinating?"

"Am I dreaming?"

"Am I dead?"

Suddenly, they were all struck by a terrifying realization. Eyes wide, they asked each other, "He didn't think that we were laughing because of the joke, did he!?"

Somewhere else, nearby the Akademiya, a certain white-haired electro wielder planned his next puns.

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