He's Not Welcome

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Bucky's hand sternly gripped his weapon, his M249 resting heavily against his left shoulder as a reminder of exactly how dangerous he could be. Charlie stood close to him, close enough that he could intervene if he felt that anything was getting out of hand.
However, just as the doors of the truck opened, Bella rushed out of the house and crashed into Bucky, clinging to his right arm and almost burrowing into it. It served as an adequate distraction, worrying Bucky enough that he safely put his weapon back into his bag before collecting the tiny girl into his arms. He checked her over thoroughly, finding nothing wrong. He drew her closer to his chest and rocked from side to side, petting her hair. He was unsure whether he was trying to soothe her or himself, but he knew that what he was doing felt right so he figured that he'd go with it until Bella was ready to tell him what was wrong.
"Sorry, Bucky," she whispered from where her face was buried in the side of his neck. He waited patiently, senses locked on her in a way that made it seem that the two of them were completely alone. "Don't tell dad, but I don't really like Jacob. He makes me uncomfortable."
"Jacob?" Bucky asked, his face screwed up in confusion, and it earned him a sweet giggle from the young girl. She turned to indicate the truck, and Bucky's head snapped up. He had completely forgotten that the truck had even arrived with his worry for Bella, and thus, he had neglected his duty to protect Charlie and the house. He lowered Bella to the ground and clenched his metal fist so hard that all present could hear the gears grinding within it.
There were two visitors, one an older man with long black hair and a wheelchair and the other a boy. He was clearly younger than Bella by quite a margin, but the way he was staring at her was making Bucky's stomach flip in on itself. The pair were olive skinned, and Bucky assumed that they were from the reservation he'd read about in the information packet he was given about Forks. Bucky stepped forward, pushing Bella softly so that she took a step back and was blocked from the boys' lecherous gaze. "Jacob." He growled at the younger before turning to the older and nodding in respect. "And you are?"
"Billy Black," the older grunted in return. Charlie looked between Bucky and Billy. He smiled hopefully when Bucky caught his eyes, and the soldier realised that, more than anything so far, Charlie wanted Bucky to like his friends. So, grabbing the front of Bella's shirt so that she stayed close behind him where he could protect her from Jacob, he moved forward and offered his metal hand to Billy who took it firmly and shook it hard.
"Bucky," he smiled tightly. "Pleasure to meet you, wheels."
"Pleasure's all mine, bucket," Billy snarked in return, and suddenly, the atmosphere felt better. Sarcasm was something that reminded Bucky of his family and friends back in New York. It made him comfortable.
"Bella," Bucky's voice lightened considerably whilst he spoke to the girl. "Bella, say hi to Billy," he tugged her forwards, releasing her shirt and taking her shoulder in his metal hand. He watched as she blushed and lowered her head, hair swinging forward to cover her face.
"Hi Billy, looking good," she awkwardly finger gunned at him, which made the old man release a loud bark of laughter.
"I'm still dancing," he began to wheel himself in circles as if to demonstrate before he changed tactics and started to chase Charlie around the driveway, threatening to run over his toes.
Bucky watched the two old men play like children. It wasn't strange for him to see adults act childish, but usually, where he came from, it ended in war and catastrophic fights. Seeing it happen in such a happy, normal environment put him on edge. He was waiting for something awful to happen, standing sentry.
Or he was. Until Bella cried out in distress, and all three men turned to glare at the boy who was attempting to manhandle her.
Bucky dropped his weapons bag, pulling a glock from the back of his pants and shooting it twice. The first shot went directly into the sky, and the second buried itself in the dirt, merely an inch from the boys' sneakers. He didn't bother putting the safety on again, approaching slowly with his arm outstretched.
"Bella, come here so I can kill this pervert." He snarled.
"Hold on a minute!" Billy called. He rolled over as fast as he could, facing Bucky and keeping his back to his son. "You don't have to kill him, I'll take him home, and he won't come here again until he learns a valuable lesson about consent."
"Bella," Bucky barked, his arm brandishing wildly for her to come to him. She ran to him, stuffing her face into his chest. He felt himself be soothed, but he needed his whole family. "Chuck, please," he watched as Charlie approached and felt himself relax further when the man's hand met his shoulder. Bucky took a deep inhale through his teeth and then exhaled through pursed lips. "Okay, okay," he took another couple of calming breaths before locking his eyes, which burned with barely restrained rage, with Jacob's. "Apologise now."
"Uh," Jacob stuttered, still recovering from his fear of potentially being shot. "Sorry, I guess, I was just trying to -"
"Did I say to explain yourself, kid?" Bucky bellowed, a silence fell on the driveway. "You weren't 'just trying' anything. You won't just try anything. You are so lucky that I respect your dad enough to listen to him. You were so close to having a piece of lead split your head in two that I could already taste the blood." He growled lowly. He felt Bella shudder against him and turn his face down to look at her.
"Tell him to leave," she sniffled, crying softly against him. Charlie's hand clenched around Bucky's shoulder, and his other came around to rub up and down Bella's back. "He touched my butt."
"He what?" Billy ground out through his teeth. Bucky flicked his eyes up to the man in the wheelchair who seemed unsurprised but nonetheless, thoroughly pissed off. "Jacob! After the last warning? Come on, we're going home."
Bucky nodded tersely to the old man. "Next time you visit, wheels, leave your pervert at home. He's not welcome here."

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