la vue des vivants

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"Al'ak, is a leader of one of the most dangerous cults in the history of the Galaxy. Born on an unknown planet with a mysterious childhood, Al'ak's troubled youth was a result of emotional and physical abuse.

"Al'ak soon formed his own religious cult based on his own personal beliefs, and quickly found himself with many followers; which he saw as a way out of his troubled past.

"His cult is known for their extreme methods of converting new followers to the cult 

this is a bio for Al'ak made by my friend ( Blake)

"Denial is the youngest son of Al'ak, being only 4 years old as of this writing.

"Denial is described by many as a friendly child, however, he has autism and ADHD which may prove as a hindrance to his social interactions with others.

"Unfortunately, the reason that Denial exists is still unknown... though the reasons why he exists are quite disturbing.

this is for Al'ak's  youngest son my friend Blake also made 

 "Elk is Denial's older brother who is only two years older.

"Elk has an outgoing and loud personality, as well as a tendency to be very stubborn with his opinions.

"Unfortunately, it is also said that Elk has an aggressive temper, which may prove to be harmful to him in the future."

a bio for Elk that my friend ( Sean) made 

Denial is best friends with his older brother, but despite their brotherly bond, his brother Elk is only seen as a tool to him; a tool that will help him in his quest to take over the cult from their father.

"Kale has a warm, fatherly demeanor. He greatly cares for his husband, his sons (Denial and Elk), and is always willing to help when someone needs a shoulder to cry on.

"But beware - he can be a little too naive sometimes. "Kale is the husband of Al'ak and is an extremely caring and loving man.

"He is completely oblivious to the fact that his husband Al'ak is the cult leader, and is unaware that most of the wealth that he lives with was acquired through cult activities."

and that's is the opening to this

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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