SFW; Eve and Faeye

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Evelyn appeared in a swirling of Void Light, coming alongside a Hunter with an Ace of Spades replica at her hip. The two were standing on a cliff, overlooking a Pyramid structure on Earth that was shrouded by a dense, yellow luster. Evelyn looked to the Hunter with a soft smile, producing an Ascendant Scepter from her back.

Eve; "Faeye... I think we're ready."

The Hunter pulled off her hood and her helmet folded onto her back, revealing her to be Awoken; dark, sapphire blue hair with blazing orange eyes, strips of red markings going over either eye like war paint. She smiled at Eve and gave her a stiff nod.

Faeye; "Let's give these Cabal a good show!"

Evelyn grinned and raised the scepter high before slamming it to the ground, causing the floor underneath to erupt with Awoken magic and energy, creating a perfectly circle portal on the ground, sending the pair flying away from it in opposite directions. Once the two regained their footing, they both ran into the portal and into the Ascendant Plane. Evelyn put her hands together with Void Light, forming a ball before collapsing it, releasing a fog of Void plasma and turning the pair invisible.

They would race along through debris and detritus, avoiding Taken all the while, until eventually arriving at the fortress proper, passing through a portal back to the real world inside, coming face to face with a Tormentor. The monstrosity was all that stood between them and a prison chamber. It let out malicious laugh as it took its' scythe in both hands, the blade charging with Void Plasma.

Evelyn drew her Chain of Command machine gun from her back and proceeded to dump the magazine on it, its' hide absorbing a majority of the bullets. While it stared down Eve, Faeye slinked into the shadows, drawing her Ace of Spades replica.

Eve yelled as she continued firing on the creature, but it marched on closer to her. By the time Evelyn was out of bullets, the Tormentor reached her, hooked her with its' scythe and pulled her into a grip of Void plasma, siphoning power into itself, its' armor growing thicker. When Evelyn was blasted away, she landed on her back with a shout, laying there a moment before staggering to her feet, drawing her shotgun.

Meanwhile, Faeye got behind the cell holding the Eliksni and disabled the barrier, tossing in a transmat beacon and getting everyone out in a matter of seconds. When she looked back to see how Evelyn was doing, she saw her holding onto one of the ribbon-like tendrils of the Tormentors' back, swinging her around as it pivoted, attempting to reach back and grab her, but it stubbornly refused to drop its' scythe to get her.

Faeye shook her head with an amused smile, twirling her Ace of Spades on her right index finger before raising it high, igniting it in Solar Light. The sound made the Tormentor turn to face the Hunter, letting out a guttural growl.

Faeye; "It's too bad you're cyclopic... Can't get you right between the eyes."

She fanned the hammer to unleash all six shots in rapid succession, melting the beast at once and burning them to ash. When she ran over to the embers fluttering in the wind, she saw Evelyns' shotgun laying on the ground... But she wasn't there. Her Ghost was, however, and he looked very unamused. Faeye held up her hands with a shrug, smiling innocently.

Faeye; "Look, that was six shots, I was sure to hit her."

Nolan; "I'm not upset about that... I'm upset it's not permanent."

Nolan let out a sigh as his shell expanded with Light, eventually releasing a shockwave that rematerialized Evelyn, and she gasped before sitting up, putting a hand to her chest. Faeye held out her hand to help her up, smiling sheepishly.

Faeye; "Sorry about that, Chief."

Eve chuckled quietly and stood, accepting the help up with a hand still over her chest.

Eve; "You're fine, hun... Agh, haven't been hit like that since my Crucible days."

Faeye; "... Can I get you some spicy ramen to make up for it?"

Eve took a moment to consider the offer, a hand on her chin. She'd eventually make eye contact with Faeye, smiling softly.

Eve; "You can get spicy ramen, I'm gonna get the orange chicken."

Faeye; "Deal."
Faeye and Eve sat at one of the tables near the spicy ramen kitchen, both enjoying their respective dishes. Faeye watched Evelyn peek her head up from her bowl and turn to wave to Hawthorne as she passed, taking the opportunity to jab a piece of chicken with one of her chopsticks and stuff it in her mouth before Evelyn could notice.

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