day 1

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It was a beautiful Sunday morning nami was Peacefully sleeping but suddenly her alarm started to ringing at 5:30am, nami's eyes opened and she woke up got out of bed started to do her routine and went to take a shower...after that She went down stairs started to make breakfast for everyone after that she wrote a note on paper that *i am going out will be back in some time * she left that note on the kitchen slab went up stairs to get her bag which had some chips, drink,headphones,her phone in it.
After walking for 10mins she reached her destination it was a beautiful garden full of beautiful flowers , her eyes were searching for a quite play to sit and she found one .she quickly run near the bunch and sat down took out her headphone and phone started hearing music then dive into her thoughts
Nami's POV-
After my father died things has been so different and difficult it feels like they have just totally changed they all treat me differently specially from when we shifted to America ,sometimes i just want to disappear like why did he remarried i was bullied in kindergarten and i am bullied in house and school too *sigh* anyway i still have to deal with everything 😔
.END of her POV.

Suddenly her phone started to ring-

Stepmom(Akira)- where r u bitch u have been out from 2 hours who do you think is going to do the house work i want you to be on home in 10 min
*Call ended*
As soon the call ended she started to gather her things (drink,chips, headphones) she put all of it her bag and started to run ,she was running too fast as she was just a Little close to her house she bumped into a stranger , the strangers things fell down nami apologized and helped her pick her thing
Nami showed her a soft smile and left and again started running again as she reached her home she was heavily breathing and as she opened the door her step brother,step sister threw cold water on her and said "welcome back bitchy" tears started to roll down her cheeks nami said "what have i done to you guys what u treat me like this all the time" they said "oh- come on don't u get tired of asking the same question again again moron" said will pulling her hairs she Screamed in pain right then her step mom came and said "akuma and yuna don't say anything to Princess nami or she will go to her father to complain 😂" all bust out in laughter expect nami tears were still flowing down her cheeks her step mom screamed at her "now get your lazy ass to work RIGHT NOW!" Nami got up and started doing all the household work by the afternoon her step brother came to kitchen and pulled her hair nami screamed and said "what i did now?" He replied "nothing i just want to say cook fast i am hungry" she started cooking again after 10 mins food was ready she served for everyone and went to her room locked the door and started crying badly she was done with her life with all this suffering,pain everything...suddenly a creepy idea came in her mind she went in the bathroom and took a blade.....

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