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The final buzzer rang loudly across the playing 

field, and the Richard Milton Wildcats erupted in cheers, 

hugging their teammates as they reveled in a victorious first 

game of the season.  Matt had scored two goals on his own, 

and Christian Academy only made one goal altogether, on 

their home field no less.  Everyone was ecstatic. 

“Great job, man,” I congratulated Matt as we 

headed into the locker room. 

“Thanks.”  Matt was sweaty and his face reflected 

exhaustion, but he was grinning hugely.  “I can’t believe I 

scored two goals.  It was like a power trip or something.” 

“And my beautiful girlfriend assisted you on one of 

them.”  Troy came up from behind us and patted Matt on 

the back.  But there was a sting in his comment aimed 

directly at me.  I could tell with his piercing green eyes 

staring challengingly into mine. 

“Oh, she’s your girlfriend now, huh?”  Matt’s smile 

faded as he glanced at me.  We all knew exactly who ‘she’ 


“Yeah, pretty much.  I mean, we haven’t said it in 

such technical terms, but I have another date with her next 

weekend.”  Troy shrugged nonchalantly.  “It would’ve been 

sooner, but I have a busy social life, as I’m sure you both 

well know, so the poor girl has had to wait.” 

“So she didn’t give you what you wanted the first 

time?” I shot back before I could stop myself.  I felt like a 

tea kettle left on the burner too long, whistling loudly in 

frustration and anger and not being able to do a thing about 

it except wait for someone to come to my aid.  That someone was Matt. 

“Yeah, Troy, what do you want with a junior 

anyway?” my best friend asked. 

“The usual,” Troy said with a smile.  “And no, she 

didn’t give me anything on our first date, but that’s okay.  

I’m sure I’ll get whatever I want next weekend.  I’ve never 

had a girl who wanted it as badly as Calypso.  She was 

practically begging it from me last weekend, but I decided 

to be a gentleman and wait.” 

“Well good for you then,” I said, biting back 

sarcasm.  At least, I tried to bite it back.  “I’m so proud of 


“Thanks, Gav.  Coming from you, that means a lot.” 

 Troy threw me one last evil grin and sauntered away. 

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