Dark Corners - Ominis Gaunt

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Warnings: Ominis' shitty family.

A/N: Reader is a Gryffindor.

There he is again, lurking in some dark corner. It creeps you out, and you quickly make your way over to your Transfiguration class. Ominis has been following you now for the past few weeks. Why, you don't know. When it just started, you frequently asked if he needed anything, or if he was looking for something or someone. Every time, he didn't answer, or just told you 'no'. After a while, you didn't even bother to ask anymore.

When you were sorted into Gryffindor, you immediately knew why. You always have been bold, wearing your heart on your tongue, always speaking your mind. You weren't afraid of showing or explaining your feelings or thoughts. You had the opinion that the power to express yourself was one of the most valuable things a person could have. If others didn't like that, well, that was their problem.

Professor Weasly is rambling about some uninteresting wizard who was exeptionally good at Transfiguration, and how she expected all of you would follow in his footsteps. You loved that woman, but sometimes she overdid it. This was one of those times. You lean on your elbows and scan your classroom. You make eyecontact with your friend Natty, and she sneakily sends you a paper bird with a written note on it. When it lands on your desk, you carefully open it, trying not to draw too much attention to yourself, as you know that Professor Weasly would make you read the note out loud if she knew you received it.

"Gaunt is staring at you again."

You sigh, and return your eyes to Natty's. You silently mouth her "He's blind, he cannot stare,", but she just giggles. However, this did trigger your curiosity. When Professor Weasley turns around to draw something on the board, you quickly turn your head to face the blind boy. Just like Natty wrote, he is indeed looking towards you. On the other hand, you are just in front of Professor Weasley's desk, so it is nothing but logical that he would have his head faced towards you. You internally sigh, you must be seeing things.

You don't pay much attention to the note during class, but when Professor Weasley dismisses you, you get reminded of it as you start packing your bag. You quickly cast Incendio, destroying the piece of paper and getting a glare from Professor Weasley for burning the desk. You quickly make your way out of the classroom before she can give you a scolding, or worse, detention for damaging school property.

You meet up with Natty before you walk with her to the Great Hall for lunch, and you are having a nice conversation, when she gently pushes your shoulder. "He is looking at you again," she smirks, and you roll your eyes. "For the sake of Merlin, Natty, he can't..." you say, swallowing unkind words, and turning towards the pillar to your right.

Just like Natty said, the blonde boy is watching you yet again, from afar. Instead of being creeped out, you are rather annoyed by his antics. Fed by irritation, you leave Natty behind and march over to Gaunt.

"What is your problem?" you ask harshly. Ominis doesn't seem surprised or taken aback by your unkind words, he simply stands there, no emotion on his face. "Can't I just stand here in peace, not bothering anyone?" he replies, his voice calm and smooth. His voice calms you down a bit, like throwing some water on a raging fire.

This didn't mean that you weren't annoyed with him anymore. "You have been following me for weeks now! I asked multiple times if you needed something, but now you're just stalking me," you elaborate your feelings. "It creeps me out, you creep me out, Gaunt," you bite at him. "So stop following me everywhere," you quickly add.

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