Chapter 2

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Ringing bells woke Amara from her slumber. The tolling shook her to the core and she cringed as it continued. Walking to her window, she gazed at the sun rising over the horizon and saw half a dozen dragons in the sky lead by a big black beast. It took her a moment to realize that there were only two Dragon Riders in Ilirea, and no more were coming anytime soon.

The tolling was warning for an attack, she realized. Her eyes widened and she dressed quickly, pulling on her tarnished clothing from the day before. Once dressed, she jumped out of the window, transforming herself into a hawk. She circled the castle a few times before she spotted a familiar light green dragon, Tulvir, who had Briam on his back.

'What is going on, Briam?' She asked mentally, flying up next to the larger dragon. Out in the distance she could see seven dragon approaching, and below her elves, humans and dwarves were assembling their ranks while trying to get the civilians out of the city and to safety.

Briam looked over to see the hawk, taking a moment to realize that it was Amara.

'Galbatorix and the Forsworn are here,' Briam replied. 'We're trying to get everyone out and set up the cities defenses, but they'll get here way before we're done. Not to mention the extreme lack of forces we have. We only have two Dragon Riders to defend the entire city and three dozen soldiers.'

If she had a human mouth, she would've frowned.

Tulvir soon turned wing and landed on a ledge of the castle, Amara following after him. Briam dismounted and Amara reverted to her human form. Leaving Briam, Amara ran towards the armory, collecting a sword, a bow, and a quiver full of arrows. Claws and teeth would only help so much.

She rejoined Briam in the meeting room that once again held the two Dragon Riders, and the commanders of the human, elf, and dwarf armies. Also in the back of the room stood another man that looked no older than his mid-twenties. He had a look in his eye of sadness, grief, and fiery anger. It made Amara's skin itch.

The shape-changer tore her eyes from the man and focused on Arva. There was a frown on the older Rider's face and creases in his brow. His hands were balled into fists at his sides as he looked around the room.

"We will not let Galbatorix into the city. We will not let Ilirea fall," Arva spoke. "We will kill Galbatorix here and his Forsworn. Ilirea is where his path for revenge ends."

The solemn man in the back only grumbled at Arva's words, a sour look on his face, but everyone else cheered. They filed out of the room and to their stations. Once outside, Amara saw several elves take to the battlements, bows in their hands, while the others were on the ground, eyes cast towards the sky, waiting for the battle to begin.

Amara was in the sky, her form once again the giant hawk she had used while battling against Shruikan and Galbatorix only two days ago. In front of her was Arva on his forest green dragon, and Briam on Tulvir.

Four of the Forsworn tore off from the main formation and landed, intending to fight against those on foot while the remaining three continued to advance towards the three beings in the air.

A ball of fire came from Arva's dragon's mouth as he advanced towards a purple dragon. They bit and clawed at each other, drawing blood and scraping scales.

Below her was Briam who was taking on the other two Riders. Galbatorix was one, and Amara knew he had no chance. Pulling in her wings, Amara dove nearly silently towards the black dragon, talons outstretching as she reached him. The talons tore into his back and the dragon let out a roar of pain.

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