chapter eleven

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The day felt longer than the rest. Only one day till the harvest moon festival, and you were jittery.

Your father had insisted on dressing you up in random suits and dress's, in hopes of funding one that matched your your eyes and hair.

Guilt settled in your chest. Here you were being all dolled up while fizzarolli was injured in the hospital with incompetent doctors who thought casting his arms and legs would help.

You didn't even get to give him your get well card. Looking down at your hands, you peeled a vary small, vary dainty ring off your finger. It clug painfully to the soft flesh of your finger, causing you to wince.


You muttered, tossing the dainty ring on your bed. Looking down at your finger you grimaced, a deep purple ring lingered in the place the dainty ring was in.

It was painful to move and felt as if the flesh around the bone was a balloon, air being pushed up into the upper part of your finger. Ready to pop.

The gruesome imagine of fizzarolli's broken body popped into your head. You shuddered in disgust, you remember the scene quite clearly.

The poor boy. In a puddle of his own blood, delusional and confused his arms and legs twitching. Slapping against the floor with messy loud, plops.

The sound of bone hitting the floor echoed clearly in your head.

Shaking your head you hopped off your bed. Pulling the stuffy dress off of you.

Your body was changing. Sure, it was small changes like the weird fuzzy things coming from atop your head. It was painful when it happened, the itching in your back becoming painful.

It was so painful to the point where you couldn't sleep on your back anymore.

Turning to the side you nearly screamed.

Two, red boney tips pushed out of your back. Tears streamed your face, your chest tightened at the sight.

It popped.

The boney things coming out fast with a spurt of blood.

You screamed. Your little body in exscruationing pain, the boney things were wide and fluffy and covered in blood.

"Y/n! What's wrong-!?"

Crimson busted the door down, in mid-sentence he stopped.

Gawking at the sight before him.

The floor around you was covered in blood. Your back flesh was torn in two places.

The torn flesh scattered across the ground as you laid on the floor, hyperventilating.

In the place where the flesh was torn was two, big, wide fluffy white wings that looked like clouds.

Only covered in blood. The fluffy antennas, they twitched with every sound or movement made.

He'd have to reschedule the meeting for next year.

Word count 464

Hey, would ya guys like it if I did a lackadaisy book?

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