A Little Song Y/N Wrote

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(280 Words) 

So as all of you might have guessed y/n is a musical artist, she writes songs and sings. So this is a little song that y/n wrote in her free time.

This song is called: Fury

Verse 1:

The anger boils inside of me

I can feel it rising, it won't be tamed

Every time I see your face

I want to scream, I want to break


This fury won't subside

I won't let you push me aside

My voice will be heard, my truth will be told

I won't be silenced, I won't be controlled

Verse 2:

You thought you could keep me down

But I refuse to wear that crown

I'll fight for what's right, I'll fight for me

No longer will I be your pawn, you'll see


This fury won't subside

I won't let you push me aside

My voice will be heard, my truth will be told

I won't be silenced, I won't be controlled


I won't repeat the mistakes of the past

I won't let you hold me back

I'll break the chains, I'll break the mold

I won't be the story that's already been told


This fury won't subside

I won't let you push me aside

My voice will be heard, my truth will be told

I won't be silenced, I won't be controlled


My rage will fuel the fire

I won't back down, I won't tire

I won't repeat the cycle, I won't repeat

This is my story, my song, my beat.

(this song was written by ChatGPT cuz I didn't have enough time to write myself but in the future, I will be writing y/n's songs and yall can request me types of songs that y/n can write and I will give full credit it the inspiration. yes after every 5 parts there will be an Author's note or song by y/n!)

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