chapter twelve

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Shivering, and in pain. That's what you were.

Being bed ridden wasn't much fun, especially with a pounding headache that felt as if your head was going too explode.

The doctors couldn't figure out happened or what caused this, which led to one of your father's many out bursts.

The changes in your body brought new problems. One of them being your eye sight.

Unlike before where you could see color and shapes, but that was taken away. Leaving you with a colorless world and shapeless shapes.

It scared you. Not being able to see properly, it also scared your father. He had a whole future planned out for you, you'd be his right hand woman. He'd take you on business meetings and negotiations for land and money.

But all that was down the drain. But that wouldn't stop him from getting you eye surgery, which would cost a lot but he had money to spare.

Looking over to your parents you strained your eyes, struggling to see almost anything.

What had you done to deserve this? If what mother said was true, that their was a god. A heavenly, kind, merciful god. What had you done to be punished?

You were so confused. Your emotions were all over the place, you were scared, hurt, angry, sad. All in one.

Taking a breath you closed your eyes as the doctor put a needle into your arm, extracting blood into a see through vial.

Crimson watched in silence as the doctor gave him the vial.

"Where's the blood?"

He asked, his tail twitching side to side. The doctor gave him a pointed look.

"It's in the vial, sir."

Crimson looked into it, it sure felt like it had blood. But it was empty.

"Your... Bullshiting me... Right?"

He asked slowly, half expecting the actual blood vial to be handed to him.

"Uh... No sir. It's in there. It's just clear, we don't know why your daughter is like this but if we could take that sample back to your lab. We could figure out what's causing her illnesses."

Crimson quirked a brow up.

"Illnesses? I thought she was only going blind?"

The doctor looked over to where you laid, before looking back at crimson.

"Let's take this outside."

The doctor spoke quietly, leaving the room crimson following behind leaving your mother and brother to watch you.

"She's not only blind but she might also be deaf."

Crimson felt like screaming. He felt like crying, how'd you manage to go fuck yourself like this?

"What? How?!"

He cried out, his hands gripping the doctors shoulders.

"Well, from the check up we did. Her ear drums might burst. Which sometimes is a rare case as most times it's from playing loud music, from a siren. But seeing as their is no tv, radio, or even a modern phone for her. That's not likely. It could also be from parents screaming at each other at such a loud volume."

The doctor shook his head.

" I know it sounds impossible but it can happen. So please. If you want your daughter to recover and not go deaf.
No yelling, no loud nosies. No stressful situations."

The doctor spoke, leaving the Mansion.

"And if all goes well, she should be fine within a few weeks."

The doctor bid his farwells. Leaving crimson looking at the vial of your blood. It was crystal clear, popping the cork off he tipped some into his palm.

"Huh, how'd ya manage thi- shit!!"

He exclaimed, hissing in pain he wiped the hand that was covered in your blood on his shirt. Cursing under his breath as he watched the flesh scar.

Shakily he looked at the vial of blood that inflicted the wound.


He muttered, he had accidentally spilled some of the blood from within the vial. Only a few inches of your crystal clear blood was left, barely enough to even get a reading on it.

He stared at the vial before placing it in his wine cabinet.

It's not too important, your just slightly blind. Besides, it's not like that little blood sample is gonna make a difference.

Word count 694

(daddy's little girl) (Permanently Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now