Chapter 3: Experiment 1; Failed

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Phil had been working every day with Tommy for a week now. He had been trying to update him on what had been in the world and just get him used to breathing and eating again.

Tommy adjusted surprisingly quickly. Phil told him all about the pandemic of 2020. Which surprised Tommy greatly. He didn't know how it could get out of hand so quickly and how nobody believed in a very real disease.

Tommy was most interested in the advances in technology. He loved to learn about the new gaming systems and games that had come out within the last few years. They had made GTA VI (6)! That excited Tommy the most.

The last GTA game Tommy remembered was GTA: London 1961. Video Games had come a long way since his time. People could now feel what was happening in their game. He couldn't wait to try that out.

One thing that really scared him though was that some people had died due to this type of gaming. People had taken fatal blows to the heart in their game and had a heart attack in real life. After a few of those reports they had to turn down how much you could feel from your games.

Phil found old board and card games at thrift shops that he brought in to play with Tommy. Technoblade would play checkers with Tommy and Tommy got pretty good at it over time.

Sometimes the 4 boys would play uno or monopoly. It confused Phil a little but as long as it kept the patient happy. Tommy or Techno were always winning those. But nobody really cared who won.

When Tommy would win his smile was as bright as the sun. The others, even Techno, couldn't help but smile back. His smiles were contagious. Even those who walked past in the halls and took a glance into his room cracked a smile.

One week after he woke up on Friday, August 20th, 2100, Phil walked into Tommy's room.

"Good morning! How did you sleep?" He asked in a cheery voice.

"Could have been better... These beds are so uncomfortable." Tommy whined.

"I know, I know. But did you sleep as well as you can on these beds?" Phil sat his clipboard down on a bedside table. Tommy nodded and sighed.

Phil turned back to the blonde boy, "Are you ready to try the first treatment?"

Tommy nodded again. "Ready as I'll ever be."

Phil stuck his head out the door and called down the hallway. Wilbur soon came in with a wheelchair, Techno close behind. "I had to go all the way downstairs to find a wheelchair. I swear they're hiding these things on purpose." Wil huffed and his twin nodded in agreement.

Phil chuckled, "Yeah yeah. Take off Tommy's heart monitor and move him into the chair." He instructed the students. Techno unhooked the monitor and shut it up when it started to beep. He then helped his brother transfer the child to the chair. Wilbur steered the chair and Techno followed closely with Tommy's I.V. pole.

They made their way down the hallway and up a staff elevator so as to not get bothered by other patients or the families of patients.

Phil directed them to a white room with an almost dentist like chair. They transferred Tommy from the wheelchair to the chair.

"What are you gonna do to me exactly?" Tommy asked, a little bit nervous.

"Well," Phil began, "First we have to draw some blood." Tommy whined. "No no! It's going to be okay. Wilbur is going to hold your hand and distract you. Okay? You won't feel a thing."

Tommy sighed and nodded, he stuck out his arm and looked away. Wilbur stood on Tommy's left side, away from the needles, and began talking to him.

"So, what's your favorite part about the future?" Wilbur asked with a smile.

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