Mine And Only Mine

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Mike was reading a comic when he heard his mom call him. With a huff, he got up to see what his mother wanted, "Yes mom?" He asked looking at her, "It's Hopper." Karen replied handing Mike the phone and walking away.

Curiously he put the phone to his ear, fear creeping up his body, "What's up Hopp?" Mike greeted, "Everything okay?" He heard a sigh on the other side. Already knowing Hopper is running his hand through his beard, "Hey kid. You busy at the moment?" Hopper question. "No. Why?" Mike mumbled tapping his fingers together in a pattern to attempt to distract his nerves. "Good. It's El." Hopps gruffed voice replied. Mike could feel his heart beating through his ears. The hair on the back of his neck standing up. The fear covering his now shivering body.

His mind started racing, making him more scared then he already was, "Is she okay!?" He asked frantically. "Calm down kid. She's fine." Relief ran down his body, calming it down. "What's wrong then?" He answered. "She's upset and locked the door. She won't let me in and won't answer me at all. You're the only one she'll let in and talk too. So, will you help me?" Hopper said on the other end.

"Of course! I'll be over in 15 minutes. Don't tell her I'll coming over. K? BYE!!" The young boy had quickly responded before hanging up. He ran to his room and packing things into his bookbag. Once he was done he told his mom he was going to Hoppers for a few hours and hopped on his bike and on thw way to El's.

15 minutes later

Mike had arrived at the small cabin in the woods. Throwing his bike on the ground, he walked up the door, knocking on it using his special knocking. Few seconds pass before Hopp answered the door, letting the lanky boy in.

"Thanks for coming Mike. Sorry for giving you such a scare." The chief had apologized with sympathy in his eyes. Mike shook his head, "Its fine Hopp. I'm going to El's room now." Mike said heading to her door. He knocked lightly. "Hey El, It's me Mike. Can you let me in. Only me." He said calmly. The door slowly opened. A bright smile appeared on his face.

Mike saw the girl he loved in the corner. Tears running down her cheeks, blood dripping down her mouth and her usually brown golden eyes now red and bloodshot and filled with tears. He sighed sadly, slowly walking over to the fragile girl. He sat his bag on the ground, opening it and taking a box of tissue out. He sat down and wrap his arms around his girlfriend, "It's okay love. I'm here. It's gonna be okay." Mike reassured her. El wrapped her arms around his middle and her head in the crook of his neck. She squeezed the taller boy, her body shaking.

Mike gently lifted up El's chin. Taking his other hand to grab a tissue. He wiped the drying blood off her face. "I'm sorry that you have to deal with someone broken like me." El choked out. He shook his head putting down the tissue. He grabbed her hands, "You have nothing to be sorry about love. You. Are. Not. Broken. You hear me. Yes, you have trauma but that doesn't mean your broken okay? You are so strong and I'm so proud of you." Mike smiled, tears slowly running down his cheeks.

El look into her boyfriend's heart eyes and nodded her head. Mike's heart always skips a beat when he sees his girlfriend's smile. He could ramble all day about her smile. Her smile gave him butterflies and makes his stomach do flips. It makes all of his worries go away once he sees that beautiful smile. Mike watches El's eyes drift down to his lips then back up of to his eyes. He chuckled softly as he connected the gap between them. His hands holding her face as her hands get tangled in his raven curly hair.

As much as both lovers wanted to stay in that position they had to pull away. If hopp saw Mike kissing his daughter more then 3 seconds then he'll bring out his shotgun again and Mike didn't want to react that scene a second time. He pulled away earning a whine from El. "Look love, I would totally love to still be kissing you but we both know if your dad caught us again. I'll be dead." Mike whispered the last part.

El laughed taking Mike's hand. "Thank you." She whispered. "I'm here and I'm never going anywhere. I'll always be right next to you until death do us part." Mike said softly. El smiled widely "Oh how I wish to marry you right now Michael Wheeler." She whispered blush scattered her cheeks. "One day Eleven Jane Hopper. I promise." Mike whispered connected their lips again.

He didn't care if hopper caught them. He couldn't help it. He loved the girl infront of him so much that words couldn't even describe their love. All Mike knew in that moment was El was the love of his life. His soul mate. His Girlfriend. His future fiancé. His future wife. The mother of his future kids. Eleven Jane Hopper was forever going to be Michael Wheeler's.

This is probably horrible ik. I thought about making a book about my favorite ship stories and here it is. Please request ideas and hope you like this. Even tho it's bad. Yoodles! :)

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