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Helena's POV
I was feeling more relaxed. Most girls, or anyone for that matter, would be freaking out right now. I had just killed about thirty nine monsters with nothing but my bow and some knifes, but who's counting. Some people have hobbies, things that they know a lot about and love, something to turn to when you need to relax. I'm not most girls, so I look to fighting for my relaxation. I'm not saying I love death and action, I'm not that type of person, I just like to know that I have saved lives and protected others with my skills. I know, cliche. But that's what I like to do.

I get pulled out of my thought when I hear the other girls talking. "So what do you think is so important about this girl?" One asks. "Well, Annabeth, you realize that she's a demigod, so that explains a lot. Maybe a child of one of the big three?" So the blonds the famous Annabeth. Now that I have seen her fight, I understood how she became so famous. She was skilled and had great strategy. Most people would be more focused while fighting a ton of monsters, but as I said, I'm not normal. I had been trained to know every thing that went on around me. "Well her sent must be pretty strong if she attracted all these monsters. I haven't seen this many in one place since Gaia. And I noticed that they had ranks. Since when have monsters cared about ranks and strategies?" I had been wondering the same thing.

I was extremely confused. I had no sent, seeing as I wasn't a demigod. So how had all these monsters found me? "You should go check on Jason. I'll grab Percy and go try and find out what happened." Annabeth started to walk over to the two guys, who now I knew was the also famous Jason Grace and Percy Jackson. They had also been skilled at combat, and Percy's reputation for jokes did not fail. I had heard their argument and was fighting a smile. I had beat both if them.

"Ouch, that hurt." I look down. I had been tying the red head's leg up to stop the bleeding, but I guess I had been distracted by my surroundings. I wanted to slap my self. What would Lady Artemis say if she saw me like this now? I thought. I finished with her leg and had just left her at the car when I saw the girl from earlier. She was talking to Annabeth and Percy and I picked up on the name 'Ivy.' That still told me nothing about her. I took a deep breath and was just about to jump into the conversation when Percy said, "so I guess your the special camper." I immediately knew he was talking about me. "That would be me." I say. Ivy jumps at my voice and peeks over her shoulder. I see the panic in her eyes. Who wouldn't be panicked when speaking to living legends? I step forward, she steps back. I was about to ask her to stay when Annabeth asks, "so who's your parent?" I see she's trying to sound innocent and all, but from the conversation I heard earlier I'm guessing she's suspicious. Who wouldn't be?

I'm under orders to not tell you that until we are in camp." I say. I am extremely nervous. I was not used to speaking to anyone but the hunters and I had no clue what was normal and not. Annabeth looks like she wants to dig in deeper, but Percy cuts in. "No problem. We can talk about it in the big house. By the way, what's that accent you have?" I freeze. I did not know I had an accent. Annabeth elbows Percy in the side, hard. "I'm sorry about my boyfriend. He can be such a seaweed brain sometimes." Percy looks at her. "What, it sound cool. Like secret British tangent like." I narrowed my eyes at him. He had no clue how close to the truth 'secret agent's was. I wasn't a spy or anything, but I wasn't like them either. I was a mortal in a camp of demigods.

Annabeth seemed to shun Percy and sent him away. "Sorry again, I know that was rude." She says. "Oh, no problem. I didn't even realize I had one. Now I can learn to get rid of it." I smile, but Annabeth seems to only tighten up even more. "What do you mean?" She asks. "Well it would be kinda hard to blend in with an accent and-" she cuts me off. "No, I mean not knowing you had an accent." The blood drains from my face. How could I slip up like this? I am a trained worrier, and I don't even get a day into this before messing up. "I'll explain at camp." I say. Annabeth crossed her arms, her knife appearing in her hand. "I'm not not shore we should bring you. You may be a threat to us and I will not let anything else go wrong. We have suffered too much for a spy or another traitor. Now, you give me a good reason this second, or I'll make shore that when you go crawling back to whoever you work for, it will be with one less limb." I didn't doubt she would do this. I had heard the stories and legends, and now she was in front of me, ready to kill. I tried a weak excuse. "When I get nervous or excited my voice changes. I don't know why-" I never got to finish. Annabeth lunges at me, knife at the ready. Combat is my field of expertise luckily.

I fall to the ground and roll over, just barley dodging her knife. I jump up, getting into my defensive stance. She lunges again, quick as a flash, but I'm faster. I move to the side and grab her wrist. I twist her arm back behind her back. I hear her knife drop to the ground. She grunts in pain. I think I've run the battle, until a sharp jab touches my back. I instantly know it's a blade.

"Let go of her this instant. Your hurting her." I immediately let go. The blade at my back doesn't move, and I can recognize the voice as Percy's. "I was only trying to defend my self. She attacked me with her knife and I only ment to defend my self." I plead. Annabeth turns around. "Ha, I knew it. You are too skilled at fighting to be a new camper. Who are you, and this time it better be the truth, and I mean the whole truth." I take in a deep breath for courage.

"I am under orders to not tell this information until we are inside the camp. There are too many ears listening right now. My lady has sent me with a purpose, and this purpose is to be only heard by Chiron, Mr. D, and whoever else they deem trustworthy." I say. These were the exact words I was told to say. "And who is your mistress exactly?" I also knew what to say to this. "Annabeth Chase. Thalia said that if you demand too many questions, she told me to deliver a message. 'Annabeth, if Luke and me were willing to take you and your hammer into our family, why do you question another scared little girl?" I mutter the last part. I didn't like being called a scared little girl.

To my surprise, Annabeth smiles. The blade at my back leaves. I take a deep breath, relieved that was over. "I trust you now. You can keep your story until camp, but then you'll talk. And we'll also make shore your story is true." I have a sneaking suspicion she's going to Iris message Thalia. I turn around and see that everyone is staring at us, but when we all turn they look in different directions. I even hear someone whistle. I smile. I may be able to get used to this.

A few minutes later we are back on the road, only this time it's much more crowded. Percy, Jason, Piper, and Annabeth all stay with us, just in case of more attacks. We bump down the road, and after exactly ten minutes, I know because I have my watch on, we take a turn and enter camp. I hear voices outside the van, but there are no Windows to see through. Finally, the car stops and the back door opens to show a man with brown hair and a shaggy beard. Wait, no, not a full man but a half horse. This must be Chiron.

He looks around. "Everyone ok? Anyone who needs help?" He asks. Then he sees the red head with the now stained red pants leg. He turns his head around. "Hey, we need a stretcher and a healer." He shouts. Two campers climb in and gently carry the girl onto a stretcher and they speed away, followed by a crowd of campers. Chiron turns back. "Annabeth, what happened?" His face is full of worry. All Annabeth says is, "we'll need to assemble the seven in the big house. I have a feeling it's going to be a long explanation."

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