The Protector

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Anna finds herself lost in a bustling city filled with towering buildings that seemed to touch the sky. She has been on a journey, her little feet carrying her as far as she could go, but now she is tired and scared. The noise of the city is overwhelming, the tall buildings blocking out the sun, and she has no idea where to go next.

As she wandered, a tan young boy suddenly appears before her, holding a long cloth poster in his hands. "Stop!" he said, his voice urgent. "You need to read this before you go any further."

Frightened by the sudden appearance of the boy, something in his tone made her pause. She is unsure if she should trust him, but she has no one else to turn to. With trembling hands, she takes the poster from the boy and begins reading.

The poster was addressed to her, the words hovering above her like a warning. It spoke of a town where tall and huge buildings stood still, a place that may not be suitable for a little girl to wander off. The boy insisted that she should go back, but the poster didn't seem to offer her any welcome either. It was as if she wasn't wanted in this town at all.

Her mind is filled with uncertainty. She does not want to go back, but she does not know if she is ready to face the unknown either. As she stands there, frozen with fear, a dark-haired boy suddenly appears on the cliff of an adjacent building. He was watching them with interest, his eyes fixed on the little girl.

The tan boy seemed to notice the dark-haired boy too and became agitated. He urged her to keep reading the poster, almost jumping before her with his command. The dark-haired boy, on the other hand, watched them with a cool detachment, his expression unreadable.

As she continued to read, the dark-haired boy suddenly jumped off the building, landing on the ground beside them with a thump. He approached them with a confident stride, his eyes fixed on the little girl. "Let her in," he said to his mate, his voice firm and intimidating.

The tan boy seemed taken aback by the dark-haired boy's sudden appearance, but he obeyed his command. She walked past them, unsure of what just happened, but grateful for the chance to move forward.

As she walks further into the town, she realizes that the poster is not a warning after all. It is an invitation to join a community club that welcomed little girls like her. As she wanders through the streets, she notices that there is something different about this town. It's not just the strict rules and regulations, but the way people interact with each other. They seem to be more reserved, and more careful with their words and actions. She wonders if this is because of the poster she read earlier, or if it's just the way things are here.

She soon realized that something is off about this town, one that she does not belong to. The dark-haired boy and his mate were there too, watching over her from a distance. They seemed to be the protectors of the club, keeping a watchful eye over the children as they played.

She has no idea what kind of journey lay ahead, but she knows that she has found a place where she is loved and accepted..maybe.

She couldn't help but wonder about the dark-haired boy and his mate. Who were they? And why had they gone out of their way to protect her? It was a mystery that only time would unravel, but for now, she is content to bask in the warmth of the new mysterious town.

As she wanders through the streets, she realizes that the dark-haired boy is no longer following her. She wonders where he went, The protector in disguise might have entangled in branches.

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