Chapter 4

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(This chapter has sensitive topics such as self-harm, attempts, and ideation. If you are sensitive to those topics, I advise you to skip to the next chapter. I will explain what happened with less detail within the story so you don't miss anything. If you'd still like to read some of this chapter that doesn't go into too much detail, I will mark the section they appear in bold so you can scroll passed it.)

If you are struggling with suicidal ideation or are in a crisis, remember you are not alone. Reach out to a trusted friend or family member, or call/text the hotline at 988.


Hiccup turned his body towards the crowd in the chapel. He just took the oath to becoming King of Arendelle and now wore the golden crown.

The crowd began clapping, celebrating the crowing of the new King.

Hiccup wore a blank expression on his face, striking worry from Elsa who was standing next to him.

A few seconds passed and Hiccup held up his hand, silencing the crowd.

"I can't do this." He said.

He took the crown off of his head and placed it back on the pillow. The crowd gasped, some shouted "what?", and others said harsh words.

Hiccup turned to Elsa, who now wore a shocked expression.

"I'm sorry." He said. "I regret this."

Elsa shot up from her bed, her eyes wide with fear and her heart racing fast.

She held her hand over her chest as it rapidly rose over and over again.

When she came back to reality, she calmed her breathing by closing her eyes and taking deep breaths.

When she opened her eyes, she noticed that the bed had frozen over and was a faint color of yellow, the color her ice would turn when she was fearful.

"It was just a bad dream." She said to herself.

She held her hand out and tried to thaw the ice, but she hadn't been able to thaw her magic that much after the loss of her daughter.

She sighed in frustration, but removed her frozen covers and got out of bed.

She walked over to the ice mirror and looked at her distorted reflection.

Though she couldn't see herself clearly, she could see that she was back to the figure she was during the takeover, but somehow, less.

She sighed again, then walked towards her balcony. She opened the doors and leaned against the railing, admiring the sunset before her.

After she left and told her sister and her brother-in-law that she was going to find Hiccup, she went to her ice castle on the North Mountain.

She lied to Anna and Kristoff so she could have time alone. There was no way she could find Hiccup. He was on a dragon and had most likely flown over the water in order to find Gobber.

She knew they wouldn't look for her here. She had told them that she hated going here because it was a reminder of her old life, the life she didn't want to remember.

Even though she told them not to look for her, she had a feeling that they would ignore those words and look for her anyway. Surely they didn't think she actually went to go find Hiccup when he was the one who could fly over water.

She didn't like the ice castle, but it was the only place she could reach on foot that she knew how to get too, so she went anyway.

She hadn't been able to feel anything but fear and anger since her daughter died.

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