22 things to do when your bored

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1. Create weird art.

2. Create an a imaginary friend/pet.

3. Name that imaginary partner

4. Take your imaginary friend to meet you family members

5. Pretend to be a superhero

6. Video chat your friends and tell them your from Guatemala and your name is Ce-Ce

7. Pretend to be a hardcore gamer

8. Act like a wizard

9. Make a video of you flying on a broom then epically failing

10. Go on Wattpad

11. Go on Youtube

12. Update any social cites saying your having a great time at a party

13. Go in Snapchat and make a scene in your bedroom to make it look like your at an epic party when your really not.

14. Eat

15. Make a bucket list

16. Channel surf and critique everything that actors and actresses are doing wrong.

17. Try to speak a different language to all your friends and see if they understand.

18. Imitate celebrities

19. Did I mention eat?

20. Make an epic house warming gift for your imaginary partner.

21. Act like a psycho in front of people in public or at home

22. Let your inner stupidness out.

Things to do when your boredKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat