Stay With Me °°°

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Tsukishima PoV:

As i was following behind him, i saw how he was climbing up the 'fence' (?). I froze. Was he about to jump? Am i going to loose him? I couldnt move. But i had to... God damn! I ran up behind yamaguchi, wrapped my arms around his body and pushed us back away from the edge. " WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" I screamed at him. Why... Why did he want to kill himself...

Yams PoV:

"Tsuki..." was the only think i could say. I got up from him. I stared at him not able to say something. He had tears streaming down his face. My eyes went blurry as i cried out. Tsukki got up and hugged me. He was so warm... Why was i thinking of jumping?..." i-im sorry..." i chocked out. " No dont be... Im sorry for not noticing how bad you felt... Im sorry for beeing a terrible friend" he cried. " i wanna go home... Can i go to yours?" i asked. I wiped the tears from my eyes and stood up. Tsukki did as well. He grabbed my hand and made me face him. " Promise me to not leave me. I need you tadashi. I cant think of an life without you! Pls dont ever do it again.. " He said."... I-... I promise..".

We entered his house. His mom wasnt home becouse of work and his brother had a date. Didnt know he could get someone actually-. We walked up to his room. I sat down on his bed while tsukki searched for clothes in his closet. He grapped a purple hoodie and some pants for me and told me to change into those. I went into the bathroom and changed my clothes. I walked back into tsukkis room and... My face went hot and my heart beated so fast. He had no shirt on- oh how hot can someone be?! He turned around and his face went red " TADASHI- I- UH GET OUT!!" he said. " YEA- S-sorry tsukki!" i looked at him one more time and left the room. After calming down a bit i realized that he lost weight again. His bones were showing.
" come in.." he said and i walked in his room. " sorry again for walking in without permission.... " i awkwardly smiled at him. " its alright. Come sit" he told me. I sat on his bed again. I was tired. He sat next to me grabbing my hand. " hey yams..." he spoke "hm?"
" i love you..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2023 ⏰

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