Chapter three: Adela part 2

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As Shiro and the others were delivering humanitarian supplies, they couldn't help but feel the weight of the situation. Adela was once a peaceful town and now it was in ruins, taken over by the Galra Empire. It was hard to imagine life going back to normal for these people, but they had to keep pushing.

Keith asked, "So what's the plan now that we're teamed up with the resistance?"

"Well, first we need to gather more intel on the Galra's movements and strengths," Shiro replied. "We also need to find out if there are any prisoners being held by the Galra."

"Right, and we should also start thinking about how we can take down their base of operations," Lance added.

"But we need to be careful not to give away our location or plans," Romelle cautioned.

Hunk chimed in, "And we need to figure out how to evacuate the civilians without the Galra finding out."

Pidge spoke up, "I can work on hacking into the Galra's communication network to see if I can find any useful information."

"Good thinking, Pidge," Shiro said. "Alright, let's split up into teams and get to work. We need to move the citizens away."

"I think I might have an idea." Coran said.

"Like what?" Romelle said.

Coran walked to a barrel of water and put his head in the water. Once he got out, it was revealed to him and the rest of the group that two pentapi were stuck to his face. The others immediately freaked out after discovering them.

"What is that?" Pidge said.

"Pentapox." Coran said.

"Pentapox what?" Shiro asked.

"As you can see, it's just a disease." Coran said.

"No it isn't?" Keith said.

"Of course you have to burn out your clothes, but people will buy it especially those of the Galra, wink wink nudge nudge." Coran said.

The group looked concerned and confused but they went along with Coran's plan to get the people out.

As Shiro and the others went with their plan as it took a while for the resistance to collect enough pentapi but in the end, they gathered buckets of them to aid in their escape plan.

People were taking the small creatures from the bucket and then stuck them to their sick, creating the small marks that the gang had seen before when the pentapi stuck themselves to Coran.

Romelle was helping Lance with the pentapi she was using, they were having a difficult time letting go at first.

"These guys really like you," Romelle commented as she managed to get the last pentapus off of him.

"The marks make ya look sick, but you gotta act sick too. You gotta sell it," Coran explained to the people. An old man walked between Coran and the crowd, groaning pathetically and holding his hand on his back. "Now that's what I'm talking about."

"Years of practice," the old man smiled at Sokka.

"Okay, everyone! Into sick formation," Coran called out.

The group of citizens and Coran began heading towards the entrance of Adela, acting violently ill as they walked. Romelle and Lance were about to join them when they noticed Shiro, Keith and Pidge hadn't even gotten the spots on. They began walking in the opposite direction actually.

"Guys, what are you going to do? Aren't you coming with us?" Romelle asked, confused.

"No. I'm not leaving until Kuro," he told the girls.

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