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(This will be edited to add stuff in)

What can you request?
1. Characters from Danganronpa (also anime) getting executed (even if they already did in this book, game or anime)

2. ANY TALENT! Just give a small description of their personality, trama/background and how they look.

3. Im bored so yall can request 'Joke' executions. Give me a character and either say the death and setting OR say 'MYSTERY' to get a randomized execution, setting death. This will not be an actual execution. It's just for shits and giggles.  

What format should you request in?

Example 1:
(Name of blackened) getting executed

Example 2:
(Name of blackened) killed (Name of victim)

Example 3:
(Name of blackened)'s execution includes (Topics of trama/death/weapons)

Example 4:
(Name of blackened)'s execution is set in (Place)

If you have any other formats of requests, just comment it on this line :D

Please request like any time!



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