Chapter Fourteen: Audition Day

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Drew’s POV

“GUYS, LINDS LETS GO GET DOWN HERE” I glance at the clock and its 6:30am I wanna be on the road by 7 and it might take them that long if they’re not even up yet. Today’s finally the day of our audition and it’s been a real crazy ride up to this point but today’s gonna be our big break I can just feel it. Us three guys from Huntington Beach are about to make it big in LA.

“We’re coming! We’re coming!” I watch Keaton sprinting down the stairs in his typical blue hoodie and black jeans with his board. “Drew you think we can bring our skate boards? I’m gonna have to get this nervous energy out somehow”

“Yeah dude just bring it, worst they can say is leave them in the car or Linds can hold them” He nods the goes and grabs some cereal. Wes comes charging down next with his red tank and throwing on long sleeve on top.

“Drew man do you think it’s gonna be hot enough to tank it there?”

“Dunno, bring both. By the way heard you asked out my sister, cute touch” I say sarcastically. Lindsey told me about how he asked her out with the ring pop last night. Classic cheesy Wes. Honestly she might actually be good for him especially having one girl going into a competition like this. Zero distractions.

“Ah shut the fuck up dude, she liked it.” I just laugh slapping his back as he runs into the kitchen too.


“Calm yourself Drew I’m right here.” She starts down the stairs in her typical jean shorts and a sleeveless tee. I also notice she’s wearing one of Wes’ snapbacks. I raise an eyebrow with a smirk as she walks down.

“Oh stop, it’s for good luck okay!” She says blushing, punching my arm.

“Yeah yeah whatever you say” We both laugh and walk into the kitchen as Wes and Keaton are finishing their food.

“Dude I’m so freakin pumped for this!” Wes says grabbing Keaton’s shoulders and shaking him. He lets go then walks over towards the door. “We rolling out?”

“Yeap lets go guys, rather be early then late, Keat’s bringing his board and I figured I’d bring mine, there’s probably gonna be a bunch of down time while waiting with these type of things.”

“Ah good call dude” Wes runs into the garage and grabs his board and I load up the car. Everyone gets in, Wes in the shot gun and Keaton and Linds in the back.

“Everyone all set?” I ask turning around looking back at both Keaton and Lindsey. They just nod and Linds gives me a thumbs up.

“Alrighhhhht, Emblem3 moving outtt!”


Lindsey’s POV

The last few days have been such a whirl wind it’s hard to remember what’s even going on. I finally have Wes as my boyfriend which is crazy just by itself and now their gonna audition. But with that, I can kinda feel Keaton hating it. I feel bad cause I’ve literally gone from the extremes of emotions for his brother. Up until a few weeks ago I hated everything about Wes and now we’re dating. That’s probably so hard and now I feel like I can’t tell Keaton anything. I glance over at him and he’s passed out with his head against the window. I giggle and snap a picture of him on my phone. That’s basically my job today, take as much pictures as possible so they always remember today. I look back out the window and I feel my phone vibrate. Kinda confused, I look down and see Wes’ name. I open it.

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