just a lil' fluffy oneshot<3

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Valentine's Day used to be a sour day for Mondo. A reminder of how bad he was at scoring a date, every year? Fan-fucking-tastic, thanks for that, calendar. He would usually get cranky and yet would always hope for a miracle, that someday a girl would look at him and see more. Maybe see something nice, someone that she would like to give gifts. Maybe on the way home, or at his locker...

But it wasn't a bad day anymore.

Because somehow, by a goddamn miracle, Mondo was dating someone.

He still wasn't sure how that happened. Not how his friendship with Kiyotaka began, or how it escalated to getting one hell of a crush. No, Taka was way too nice to not get attracted to. Mondo still remembered screaming at Takemichi on his phone...hell, he was glad his room was soundproof. And that Takemichi was so loyal in the end.

Still, even if his own attraction was to be expected, Mondo still didn't understand what Kiyotaka saw on him. He was just...a biker. A gang leader. A failure. Weak in the end, can only shout and pretend, can't stop freaking out, can't be smooth and calm like how Daiya was...

He was one hell of a pathetic leader, having to lie to keep his gang together...

No, Kiyotaka apparently saw more on him. And so, they were dating. And it was fantastic. If Mondo thought the hall monitor was already way too nice for his own good, now he was sure the guy was an angel. Despite his own flaws and issues, Taka always strived for the best. And he trusted so much. He put so much faith in Mondo, as if he truly could do good.

Kiyotaka made Mondo feel that he was worth something.

And now it was Valentine's Day, a day that used to make him feel like crap in the past. And now he had the greatest boyfriend of all time, the whole world could suck it and try forever to prove him wrong, it would fail.

That didn't mean he wasn't anxious about it, though.

Would Kiyotaka even want to celebrate it? Even if they were dating for a few months already, the topic never got discussed — even if discussing things was something Kiyotaka loved to do. That nerd would always try to make sure that Mondo was comfortable with their relationship, he was so cute. But now Mondo wasn't sure his boyfriend would even remember it...

"He sure didn't get it last year... I was pretty damn much almost asking him to give me stuff no matter how, and he was just getting worried about my own safety. Fucking lovable dude in the end..." Mondo thought to himself, smiling one-hundred-percent-in-a-manly-way-and-not-sappy-at-all. "But now what do I do? Do I even give him the stuff I bought? How does it even work? We are two guys, do we celebrate Valentine's and White Day, do we use only one, do we even get to celebrate at least one? What the shit am I supposed to do?".

Mondo couldn't stop thinking about it, even after going to class, getting his stuff on his locker. He was so distracted, he almost didn't notice a small piece of yellow paper, folded to fit inside his locker without having to open it.


The biker took the paper, curious to see what it could be. Maybe a threat. Probably a threat, people usually didn't have the balls to say things to his face.

You shall find around here

These small displays of affection

As long as you are on time

He recognized that writing... was that a poem?

Holy shit, his boyfriend got even nerdier than usual. He wrote a haikai or whatever as a warning to not be late to class? That couldn't be just it! If it was, he would have simply texted it, instead of going all the way to write that — Mondo would have to either count the syllables to be sure or ask Toko to do it... Kiyotaka probably wouldn't want to spoil the "fun".

Passing notes - ishimondoWhere stories live. Discover now